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Show A Difcourfe of Forett-Trees. Chap.XXXI, : any Service Iknow e. he ae pateeally to {peak here of€ofo’, becaufe befides Tour'd ye - r Yellow, and Holly for White, we have very few * Ae tea Locuft, Acaciasothers Brafile, Our Princeand salaried e€ Fuftic, and Reds, withorfeveral brought from Rofeboth wood for uo ae ae would imitate the natural] turning of bs aele irby curiousCom and borduresof Flower. work partiments ete dipping aie pieces(firft cut into fhape they effed ‘ " oe kot Sand, as they would have and read the Shadow, to In-lay) fo f the Sand darkensit fo gradually, without detriand the heat o leeciene Chip, asoné would conceive it tobe na- ment ee the Sand is to be heated’ in fome very thin oan tik to the bottom of a Scale or Ballance : This I rie mentiowares the burning with /rous, or Aqua forts,ts not com: parable to it. ‘o ds attain little polirure without infinite I learn alfo, that etees ny pibini owned and Jabour, and the expear hftrong Glew, which eafily every time penetrating, soudo fo, to fmeareit with {trong a ae are Till Plandiecane baedtie its andthe frequenter youdo this, er it W ain. f ree STOUInesLRERNLT Glew , ‘tis fo common and cheap, =~ ak ot tell youit is made by boyling the furues, oe. of that Ineed n sarings of raw Hides, ec, toa Gelly, and {training POR eh cane i more delicate Work is beft faftned with ite? 2 fb Glew, to be had of the Drougif? by the name of Ichthyocolla; Fifh Glew, here I conclude, nin Be Let us nowthen fum up all the good qualith7 5, and tranfce : Stat) dent perfections oft Tre Trees, inthe harmonious Poets , Confort 0 Elogies. ——- Pines are for Mafts an ufeful i) Cedar and Cypreffe, to build Houfes good : Fe {pokes for CE1S or Wheel > vers for their Carts, and Hence : ee as make, 4and Ships do formtheir crooked Keels : S wains The Twiggy Sallows, Elms with Itaves are coe : Myrtles ftout Spears,and Cornel a for fight: ‘ are bent ; Mews iinto Ityrean Bowsvs at " The Smooth Limes, and Box,the Turners ie ‘ ; Shavesinto form, and hollow Cups does : > devs {wim : And down hollow ; Agricole, S pandas ratibus po[uere eee Viminibus [alices , fecunde frond bus Olmi a At Myrtws validis haStilibus, S bona bel'o Cornus > Tyreos Taxi bexquentoer ih AYCHbe Nec Tilia leves, aut torno rofle Buxum, ; Non formamaccipiunt fervogus cavantur acutos Nec ‘nom torrentem undamlevis innatat Alnus : C8 aberexs i the rapid Fe light han ies Bark Bees do their ——dant utile lignum Nrvigiis Pinos, domibus cedrofque cupreffofque $ Hinc radios triv re rotis, inc tympana plausiris Milfs Pado, nec non oh mieten 7s ERY rtcibu ana‘ pti ma a TrUn.nk ofan old Oak their Hive. aT [que cavis, vitie/eque : Il, ; Georg. 2 ‘ ; intr -s thethe miracu miraculous and the moft ingenious Ovid, where hee introduces Grove raisd byJ the melodious Song of Orphews, Poplar, Variou oat dee {mo c Soft : Linden, ie sky, rind Beech, unmarried i ies Bays , Thebrittle Hafel, 4f), whole (pears we f raife, gh ChefJinuts, M am -bordering£ t with different granes re n tak 25 oepring nk fakes forlakes, F mem on chaonis abfuit arbor, : Non wemss he iadum, won frondibus a[cu'ms altis, Nec Til @ moles, nec Fagus, & inauba Laurus, Ex Coryli fragiles, & Eraxinss utilis haitis ; Ensdilque Abies, curv tague gland _ —— Et Platanws genialis, Accrquecoloribss impure Amnicolaque fimul Salices, S atica Lotossa Perperuoque pernog vnens Buxus, tenue[que Myrica, Chap.XXXI, 4 Difcoarfe of Foret-Trees, The flender Tamarisk, with Trees that bear A purple Fig, nor Afjrtles abfent were: ‘The wanton Jvie wreath’d in amorou s twines, Vines bearing grapes, and Elms fupporting Vines, Straight Service-Trees, Trees d roppin g Pitch, fruit-red Arbutus, thefe the reft accompanied. With limber Palmes, of Victory the prize: Andupright Pine, whofe leaves like briftles Priz’d by the Mother of the Gods: —__ rife, “20% Etbicolor Ayrtus, & baccis carul a Vos quoque flexi=pedes Heder venif Ficus. lis,S ane Pampines Vites, & amie Vitiba; Uli, Ornique, S Picee, Pomoque onerata rubenti Arbutus, &lente vidoris premia Palma, Et fuccinta comas, hirfutaqae vertice Pinus Graga Deummatri, (5, —_a——« Sandys as the incomparable Poet goes ony andi Spencer, where he bribgshis gentle s imitated by our divine Kright into a fhady Grove, praifing the Trees fo ftraight; and high, The failing Pine , the Cedar proud , and rall, The Vine-prop E/m, the Poplar never dry, The builder 02k, foie King ofForeffs all The 4fine, goodfor Staves; the Cypr ; ef funeral : The Lawrel , meede of mighty Conquero And Poets fage; The Fir that weepeth urs ftill ; The Willow, worn of forlorn Paramour s5 The Engh , obedient to the benders will 5 The Birch for Shafts; the Salow for the The Arrbe (weet bleeding in the bitte Mill ; r wound; The War-like Beech 5 the 4fh for nothingill ; The fruitful Olive; andthe Platane roun The Carver Holm; the Maple, feld d 5 ominward found, Canto, 14 And in this Symphony might the hoble Taf‘bear likewifehig part 5 but that thefe are fufficient > & tria funt omnia . 37. For we have already fpoken of that mode rn Att of Tapping Treesin the Spring, by which doubt lefle fome excellent and /pecijie Medicines maybe attained 5 as from the Birch for the Stone; fromElms and Bilder againtt Feavers; fo from the 7 whe, the Oak, and even the very Bramble, &c, befid es the Wholefom and pleafant Drink s, Spirits,c. that maypoflibly be educ ed out of them all, which we leave ro the Indu rious , facisfying our felves, that we have beenamong the fir/? who have hinte d, and Publifi'd the wayes of performing it, What now remains concerns onely fome general Precepts 5 and Direi tions applicable to moft of that we have formerly touched 5 together witha Brief’ of what fart her Laws have been enact¢d for the Improvement, and prefervati on of Woods 5 and which having difpa tch’d , fhall with a fhort Parenefis touching the pre: fent ordering, and difpofing of his Majefizes Plantations for the future bencht of the Natiow, put an end to this ruftick Difcourfe. |