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Show A Difcourfe of Fore{t-Trees, PROB Chap. XXX. Chap. XXX. A Difcourfe of Forett-Trees: wy. PROB. one fide of a fquare of Timber containing 16inches, and the other 25: to find the fide of a /quare equal untoit, VP, A Plank or Boardbeing 9 inches broad: to find how much in length will make one foot. SOL SOL. Firft, find 16 aches inthe fourth Table, oppofite to it you have this number 12¢411. Then find out 25 izches, and oppefite to that occurs 139794 which added , produces 260205, and the Aalf ofit 1301023. Find inthe Table this Number (or the neereft you canto it) and you will fee it to ftand againft 20 tzches ; whichis the true Square of fuch an unequal'd-fided piece of Timber. fam 16—120411 25139794 -260205 Firft find out 9 inches in thefirft Columns oppofite to that,in the fecond Column , you fhall meet 1, 4. 0. which imports 1 foot, 4 inches : fo much then in length ofa Plank or Board g inches broad, muft go to makea foot s Soas every 16 inches in length, is a foot of Plank, and confequently, every 8 inches , half a foot; every 4 inches a quarter.&c, Thus again,if a Board hold 2 foot and 3 inches in- breadth 5 5¢ches and 3 tenth parts of an ineh in length will make a /quare fuperficial foot of Plank, &fie de ceteris, 20-— 1301023 Note,In thefe Jnftances’tis {uppos'd the Tree meafur'd to carry the fame Proportion of/quare throughout the Piece, which in almoft all parts, wz. half a foot and halfa quarter of a foot, By this Atethod proceed for any length whattoever. There remains but oxe operation more y Which our Timber mat canimuch ftand in weed ofdireGionin 3 and thacis, for the Afeajure of Planks ; becaufe we have occafion fometimes to faw them in the Wood: We will theretore addone Table more of that, and fo dil- mifs him, PROB, The length of a Foot (olid in Fer. » Inches and parts Of Inches. Q BW ACOH MOWwW HHH Y Qon Ol~nwwo naed ANI @l you 45 feet 22 parts, which fum’d together,amount to 303 feet, 62 Arm down as manytimes as any tems Occur in your 47 foot (which was the length of that Tree, and by the fame Table the odd 7 will give vat Pt tak, tat et tg Column, you'l find €4 foot, 6o parts under the Column 10: put this Amp wre Ole w © ONY OMD & w OO] courte to 10foot in the fecond Table, and oppofite to 31 in the iach CON /quare, with which, and the length, you may find bythe feconad Table the juft content, And, in cafe your Tree be longer than the Table providesfor (as fcr examp'e inthis fecond Table it proceeds but to ro foot ) take the balf, or fo manytimes 10 foot, as its length contains, and the odd feet, if they happen, by themfelves, V, g, Suppcfe a Tree being 31 inches {quare, is 47 foot long; Kave re- © inches, and at the fwaller end 22 onely 5 Thofe added , will make 5s inches, andthe moitie of that 27%, which is the true fide of the YOB000R0O0FTOOCOIO0000000000 dle ofthe Tree, and take its /gzare there 5 But this isalfo an Error: Therefore in fuch Trees , meafure the guare at both ends, and add the fides of the two fquares together , and halfthat length fhall be thetrue{quare which the Tree does carry throughout. E, g. Suppole a Tree have that fide of the /quare at the But-end 32 “The Square of the End of Timber in Feet and Inches. this, for the moft part, choofe the moft /ikely place about the mid ' tinual tapering , which muft needs caufe a great difference in the Squares at either extream. Our common Morkemen do 5 to adjuft PW WwwaRMM AV Com OM WO Wm O Treesthat are confiderably long , does not hold, byreafonofits con- |