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Show SYLVA: OR,A DISCO U RSE Foreft-Trees, AND The Propagation of Zimber in His MAJESTIES Dominions, toc. Tuque ades, inceptumque una decurre laborem, O decus, 6 fame merito. pars maxima noire, CAROLIDE, pelagoque volans da velapetenti ; Dafacilem curfum, atque audacibus annue ceptis : Ignarofque vie mecum miferatus agrefles Ingredere, (9 votis jam nunc affuefce vocari, The Introduétion, g Ince there is nothing which feems more fatally. Arqdudien, to threaten a Weakwing, if not a Diffolution of the ftrengthofthis famous and flourifhing Nztion, then the fenfible and notorious decayof her Wooden walls, when either through time, negligence, or other accident, the prefent Navy fhall be worn out and impair’d ; it has been a very worthyand feafonable Advertifement in the Honourable the principal officers and Commuilfioners, what they have lately fuggefted to this Lufirions Society, for the timely preyention and redrefs ofthisintollerable defect. For it has not beenthe late increafe of Shipping alone, the multiplication of Glafs- works , lron-Furnaces, and thelike, from whence this impolitick diminution ofour Jimber has proceeded 3 but from thedifproportionate fpreading Q Us |