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Show A Difcourfe of Foreft-Trees. Chap.XXXIV, Plant in his Lavds (which were ample ) Oaks , Ate > and other profitable, and Marketable Trees , to the nun . ae Hundred thoufand ; as undoubtedlycalculating, wate thofe Trees , might be worth twenty pence, before his Daughter Pein 4m able, which would amount to 1000C0 francs Cw itt4 thoufand pounds flerling ) intended to be given wit he a for a Portion. This was good Philofophy,and {uch as 1 am aflur is on quently practis’d in Flanders upon the very fame account : _ us fee it once take effect amongft our manyflothful Getry, who have certainlyas large Demefnes , andyet are fo ae decent point of timely providing for their numerous € hildren An thofe who have zone, let them the rather Plamt : Trees and Pegeta- bles have perpetuated fome Names longer,and better than a Pedigree of a numerous Of spring 5 and it were a pledge of a Noble Mind, to oblige the future 4ge by our particular Indufiry, and bya longlafting train, with the “wing work of ourown hands " But I now proceed to; ee general Concerns , in order to the Queries , g {t to the proportion. “ ee a . were fee and infinitelybefitting the miferable zeeds of the whole Nation, that every twenty Acres of Pafiure, made an allowance for half an Acre of Timber,the Ground dug about Chriftmas, calting the Grafly fide downwards'till June, then dug again, and about November{tir’d afreth,and fowz with Afaft, or planted in a clump, well preferv'd, and fenc’d for 14, or 15 years; unlefs that Sheep might haply Graze after 4 or 5 years: And where the young Trees {tandtoo thick, thereto draw, and tran/plant them In the Hedge-rows, which wouldalfo prove excellent /helter for the Cattel : This Husbandry would moreefpecially become Northhamptonfhire, Lincolufhire, Cornwall,and fuchother of our Countries as are the moft naked of Timber , Fuel, ec. and unprovided of covert: Forit isrightly obferv’d,that the molt fruitful! placesyleaft aboundin wood, and do mott {tand in needof it. ‘ 19. Such as are readyto tell ye their Lamds are fo wet, that their Woods donot thrive in them 5 Ict them be converted to Pafture 5 or beftowthe fame induftry onthem which good husbands do in Meadows by draining : It isa floathfullnefe unpardonable; asif the pains would not be as fully recompenc’d in the growth of their Timber, as in that oftheir grafs : Where poor hungry Woods grow, rich Corn, and good Cattle would be more plentifully bred 5 and it were beneficial to convert fome Wood-land (where the proper vertue isexhaufted) to Pafiure and Tillage; provided , that frefh Lind were improved alfo to mood inrecompence,and to balance the other. 20. Where we find w#liginous and ftarv'd places (which fome- times obeyno Art or Induttry to drain, and of which our pale and fading Corn is a {ure indication) we are as it werecuurted to obey Nature, and improve them forthe propagationof Sallyes, VVillows, Alders, Abele, Sycomore,Afpine,Bircb, and the like hafty and profitable growers, by ranging them, cafting of Ditches, Trenches, Oc. as before has beentaught. 21. In Chap.XXXIV. A Difcourfe of Forett-Trees, 21. Inthemean while,’tis a thin g to be deplor'd, that fome per fons beftow more in grubbing, and drefling a few Acres which has been excellent wood, to convert it into wretched paffure, not worth a quarter of what the Trees woul der'd, and left ftanding 5 finceit is certa d haveyielded, well orin, that barren land planted with wood, will trebb/e the expence in Honourable the L.Vicount Scudamor ma a {hort time.Of this, the R. y givefair proof;who having fell'd (as Lam credibly inform’d) a deca y’d Wood, intended to be fet to Tenwants 5 but upon fecond thoughts (and for that his ZordLhip faw it apt to caft Wood) encl osd and Preferv'd; it yielded him, before thirty years were expi r'd, neer 1¢00 pound upon Wood-Falls, whereas the utmoft Rent of yearly, was not above 8 pound ro thill the whole price of Land ings. confirm by inftancing a xoble Perfor, who The like Iam ableto happy Wars) having' fown three or four (a little before our unfourth year tran/planted them which gre ‘Acres with Acorns, the Lord-foip: Thele Trees are now of thatw too thick all about his ffature, and fo likely to prove excellent Timber , that they are already judg’d to be almoft as much worth as the whole Demefnes ; and thing trom other profits, having been difc yet they take off noreet firlt defignment. And fuppofing the Long ly difpos'd of at the not extend to the Periods we have (upo uevity of Trees fhould n fo duc'd5 Yet,neitheris theit arrival to a very good. account) profo very difcouraging fince 1 am credibly competentperfeion, informd, that feveral Perfons have built of Tinber (and that of Oak) which were Acorus within this fourty years; and I find it cred ibly reported , that even ourfamousForeff of Dean, hathbeen utterly waffed no lefle than three feveral times, within the {pace of The Prince Elector Frederic IV, in the year Nine-buzdred years, 1606. fow'd a part of that moft barren Heath of Lambertheim, with Acor ns after plowing, as I have been inform’d; it isnow likely to prov Foref?, thoughall this while miferably neglecte e a moft goodly d by reafon ofthe Wars. For thecare of Planting Trees, fhould inde mended to Princes and great Perfons, who have ed be recomthe Fee of the Eftate 5 Tennants upon the Rack by reafon ofthe tedious expectation,an@ jealoufie of having their Lads enha nc’d,are for the moft part ayerfe from this Husbandry fo that unlefs the Land -Lor will be at/the whole Charge of Planting, and Fencing (without d which as £004 no Planting) littleis to be expected ; and what loever is propofd to them abovetheir ufual courfe, is look'd upona s the whim asd fancy of fpeculative Perfons, which they turn into ridic yhen they are applied to Adion ; andthis, fays an ingeniou ule s and excellent Husband (whofe Obfervations haveaflorded me nolit tle freafure) might be the reafon, why the prime Writers ofall Ages, ndeavoui'dto involve their Difcourfes with Allegories, and Znigyaticalvermes, te protect them from the contempt, and pollution lof the Vulgar, which has been of fome il] Confequence in Hx/bandry 3 for that very few Writers of Worth, have adventured up- onfo plaina Subject, though doubtleffe to anyConfidering Perfon, the |