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Show Or, An Appendix concerning Fiuit- Trees, &c. ‘ider= Apples inbeing 5 Gloceffer-(hire afary Crab; It affords a fmart, winy Liguor, and is t yut not fo proper for a cold and late-bearing ripe in hot Land tillthe end of Autumn, nor rt Cidertill Chriftmas, lying fo long in heapsand n. 1 the fame Shire that they likewife much efteem of the bit 1 red Muft- Apple, the {weeteft as well as fowrelt Pepin, and 1¢ Harvy- Apple,which (being boyl’d) fome prefer tothe verybeft ll Ciderssthough fromanyexperience we have yet feen,wecan= n commend it, andit will want more particular infallible DireGfions before we can be reconciled to the Adventure,which we have obfervedfofrequently to mifcarry. But about Loxdon, ially the Golde, is e moreSouthernTraé#s, the Pepiz,and efteemedfor the making of the moft de- lefom, and moft reftorative 5 and enge thofe perfecions e ip competition > moft part found eeable Pepiz to o the conft Ash and the 1; pe diipofe them 5 though of the fame Species ; “fo as the of the Pearz (though likewife very different) does not feldomexceed it in brisknefs which others attribute to the Pepiz, i moft part more fmooth and lefs pozwant: I con 4 of extracting the Spirits of thefe Frvits, might prove a terion to ground our judgments onin all thefe niceties the way, we maynote, that ofall Apples, that b } Name, thePepin feems the moft todiff genuine Cider-Fruit, keeps neareft to th lith. : Some commend the Fox-W/ preferr’d to the very Red-/i1 but upon more mature confideration, the very Criticks tt lve now Recant, as being too effeminate and foft for a judicious Pa Red-ftrake then among& thefe accurate Zafters hath obtainbfolute praeminenceof all other Cider-fruit, efpeciallyin 1.425 Hereford-fhire, as being the richeft and moft vinous I iquor, and nowwith the more earneftnef co; Jed to our practice, for its celerity in becc ming an Or te years growth as other Tr ain at thirty > And laftly, Chat thoughthe fmiles of it j deed better than moft « i | needs no Piiapws for ProteGor, fince (as. beautiful as“tis) it‘has no fuch temptation to the Taff, *till it be either baked,. or conve ed into Cider, The fame may be affirmed alfo of the Broms rt-bery- Crab, Bareland-Pear, and many other Wildin gs, who are no left their Self-defence 5 yer the Geunet- Moyle at due maturity, has both a gentle, and agreeable relith; their unagreeablenefs tb the Palate (as elfe-where noted) proceeding only--from-the feparation thejuice makes from the Pulp, which even Children do remedyby contufing them ontheir {harpned Elbows; which Cif throughly weigh'd) feemsto difpute, if not overthrow fome Hypothefes of Fermentation. Infum, The Red-firakewill at three years &raffing give you fair hopes, and Jaft almoft'an hundred years ; if from fundry mens Experience of more than 60 years, we may divine, and. that ita- gree with the Soyl. And the Gewmet: Afoyles halten to an Orcha rd for Cider without trouble of Art or Graffing: But note, That thig See ©. Tay Tree is veryapt to contract a bur-knot near its Trunk, where it be- lor’s Dif- gins to divides and being cut off under that bofs; commonly courfe of Ci» grows (if fo fet) and'becomesfpeedily a Tree, except it encoun- dere ter an extraordinary dry S#vwer tlie firft year to give it check, And though the knack of Sraffing be fo obvious, yet this more appearing facility does fo pleafe the lazy Clowns, that in fome places they neither have nor defireany ‘other: Orchards and how this humour prevails you may pérceive by the hafty progrefs of our Kentifh Codlix in moft parts of Exglaed. But this hafty growth and maturity of the Tree is by another Ixffaxce confirm'd to us from that worthy Gent. Mr. Blount of Orletoz, who writes me word, that fomeofthe rejected Spray, or Prunings of the GennzetMoyle, taken by chanceto rice a Plot of Peafé (though ftuck into the Earth but‘at april) put forth root, grew, bloffom’d, and bore Apples the fame year. But to advance again our Red-frake, even above the Pepin, and the reft (befides the celerity of thé improvement and conftant burthen) confider we the moft incredible product, fince we may expect fromeach Apple more than double the quantity 5 foas in the fame Orchard, underthe fame culture, thirty Red- firake Trees {hall at ten years graffing yield more Cider than a hundred of thofe Pe- pias, and furmount them in proportion during their periodat leaft fixtyor feventy years: So that granting the Cider of the Golden- Pepiz fhould excel, (which with fome is precarious ) yet ‘tis in no wife proper for a Céder- Orchard, according to our general defign, not byhalf fofoon bearing, nor {0 conStantly, nor in that quantity, nor fulnefs or fecurity. Concerning Perry, the Horfe-Pear and Bare-land-Pear are reputed of the beft, as bearing almoft their weight of {priteful and vinow Liquor. The Experienced prefer the tawny or ruddy fort, Aph. 43. as the colour of all other moft proper for Perry : They will grow Aph, 34. in common-fields, gravelly, wild, and ftony ground, to that large- nefs,as one Only Tree has been ufually known to make three or four Hogfheads : That of Bosbury, and fome others, are fo tart and D2 harfh |