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Show Concerning Cider. 9. Cider kept in very cool Cellars, if made of ripe Fruit, ren ders it long Coucernine Cider. in fizing, and fometimes Cider by expofing aiiioa da the Sua, aad kept Warm, hath fooner matur’ d, and contiau’d lon 2 good : But the beft Drivk is that which fines ofit felf. preload in an indifferent temper. ‘ 10. All Cider fufters Fermentation when Trees are blofowin though it be neverfo old ; and Cider of veryri pe Fruit, if Bottl'd . that feafon, will acquire a fragrancy of the Bloffo u. f 11. New Cider, and all diluted and watre d Ciders, are great Enemies to the Teeth, and caufe violent pains inthem, and Rhe Uas in the Head, ; 12. One Rotten- Apple, of the fame kind with th rupts a whole Vefel, and makesit Atusty. But, ne oe ; To Concludethis Treatife, We will gratifie the Cider-aai¥er with the Conft kind ofPrefs brought into the 2. Society, by ruction of anew their Curator. the ingenious Mr. Hooke, and, if perfectly under ftood by himthat fhall imitate it, recommended not only for its extraordinar DiJpatc h, but for many othervertwes ofit, chiefly, the acbi ied: : C e the Pulp, : ie! and keeping the Husks from defcending with p LTT TTTTANTTTT Explication xplication ofthe Figures. a The Axis, by which four Cylinders are to be mov ‘d, either by the force of Aten, Horfes, Wind, or Water, &c. ‘ b.c. d Three of the 4 (wifible) Cylinders, fo placed, that thofe which are firft to braifé the Apples, may {tandat about balf an Inch, or lefs diftance trom each other: Thofe that are to prefs out thejuice may join as clofe, as they can well be made to move. f-f The Trough, in whichto receive the Liquor, running through certain Aoles made inthe lower Plate there marked. e.e The Hopper, made tapering towards the bottom, in which you fling the Apples, and fupply them as they fixk towards the Cylinders, Note, That fuch another Hopper is {uppos’d to be alfo made, and fitted tothis fore-part of the Prefs, but here omit- ted, that the projpect and defcription of the Cylinders maythe better be laid open and demonStrated, g-g.g The Spindles of each Cylinder. b.b.i.i.k,k The Frame, confifting of two Plates, and two Pilafters, which hold the Cylinders together. Note, That the Cylinders mutt be made of excellent Okew Timber, or other hard Wood s the dimenfions about 3 foot long, one foot and half diameter: The reft of the Frame for thicknefs, &c, of fize and Strength proportionable: L L The Legs which fupport the Frame, FIG.IL Reprefents the Zchnography of the Firft. |