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Show Concerning Cider. Sr. PAUL NCEILESfecond Paper. My Lord, He Paper which by the Command of the Royal soz ciety I delivered in thelaft year, concerning the ors dering of Cider, I have by this years experience found defectivein one particular , of which I think fit by this to give younotice,which is thus: Whereasin the former Paper I mention, that after the Pepiz-Cider hath ftood 24 hoursin the Yat, it might be drawn off into Pails, and fo putinto the Veffel ; and that. having ftooda fecond 24 hours in that Veffel, it might be drawn into: another Veffel, in whichit might ftand till it were fit to Bottles for the particulars ofall which proceeding I refer to the former Paper 5 and fhall now on- ly mention, That this laft year we were fain to draw it off into feveral Veffels, notonly asiis there directed, twice, but moft of our Cider five, and fome fix times; and not onlyfo, but we were after all this fain to precipitate the Lee by fome of thofe ways mention'd by Dr. Wiis inthe 7th Chap. of his Treatife De ferzentationes° Now though this be more of trouble than the Method by me formerly mention’d 5 yet it doth notin the leaft deftroy that Hypothefis which in the former Difcourfe I laid down (2iz.) That it was the leaving too much of the Zee with the €ider,) which upon the changeof air, fet it into anew fermentation, and confequently made it lofe the fweetnefs 5 for this change by the indifpofition of the Lee to fettle this year more than others, hath not hindred the goodnefs of the Cider; but that when it was at laft maftered,and the Cider bottled in a fit temper, 1 wasnever more pleafant and quick than this year : but I find that this year our Cider of Summer-Apples is already turned fowre, although it be now but the firft of Fanuarys and the lat year it kept very well till the beginning of Atarch; which makes me fear that our Pepin-Cider will not keep till thistime twelve- moneth, as our Pepin-Cider of thelat year doth till thi day, and {till retainsits original pleafantnefs without the leat turn towards fowrenefs: And I am very confident, the difference of time and trouble which this year we foundin gett e Ciderto fine and be in a condition to Bottle, was only the effect of a verv bad and wet Summer, which madethe Fr ot ripen kindly; and to make it yet worle, we had juft at the time when we made o this year, extream wetand windy weather, whic unkindlinefs of the Fruit) was the whole cate of And however myHypothefis as yet remains firm, fos any part of the Lee trom the Cider you can prefery orig tweetnels, it isnot at al material whether it be always tc oe done by twice drawing off from the Lee, or that it mutt fometimes Concerning Cider. times be done with more trouble, and by oftner repeating the fame Work, fo that finally ic be done, and by the fame means, that is, by taking away part of the Lee, which otherwife would havecaufed too muchfermentation, andconfequently havemade the Cider lofe part of its original fweetnefs. My Lord, I fhould not have prefumed to have given you and the Societythe trouble of perufiagthis Paper, but that, if poffible, I would have you fee, that what I think an ertour in any opinion that I haveheld, I am willing to.own 5 and yet I defire not that you fhould think my miftake greater than in Reality it is. |