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Show A Difcourfe of Foreft-Trees. Introd, cone til it be forced out byCollifien ; but w hich yet re ork Sy not only we which fis, Hypothe this fo fully inlighten Difcourfe is not : and Introduction onely : For the defign of this alone, but iz G work Nature let and itil, fit to e Aden erfwad Seeds and a, a y and affift ber as much as theyare able from tion. Mo ee Propaga fpeedy more for ed qualifi perfe&ted, and upon an ae oo pious, in the mean time is whatfome feared to pronounce ; namely, t at all p a row guefle, have not and more y ing by Seed, was but a kind of faoculation, An upon ee €yons and Sprouts, but a Subterranean Graffing: in Removing ot wi count I am the more willing to aflent, that porore: d with all be Trees, taken out of incumber'd places, (fo it Improvements 5 erable confid happen may there due circumftances) gpa of the or , fince, as there is fomething in Super graffing vo ute oe ef ation melior and ement, inlarg the Graffing for ©2 being Tree the lly c{pecia maybe alfoin a carefull Removal; kind apt to dilate itsRoots, and taken whileft thofe Roots may : fafely, and intirely transferr'd 5 and likewife, becaufeit is prefum that moft Trees propagated by Seeds, emitt a principal Root, very deep into the Earth, which frequently extracting but a courfer Nutriment (though it may happly yield a clofe, and firmer Ti#zber) ARTELi | sancti a Roren = with a Bees aie nate theeSua, ap ea impreg more eeeRoot, and by being of that prived e ue d to produce Dews and heavenlyInfluences neev the furface, inable larger, more delicate and better tafted Fruit; fuppofing Nutts, Introd, A Difcourfe of Foré&t-Trées, gy 3 and being over-dripp'’d become {qualid and mof_ie , which checks their growth,and makes their bodies pine. Crefcentigue adimuntfetusuruntgue ferentem. Nor can their roots expand, and fpread themfelves as they would do ifthey were fowz, or had beenplanted in a more open, free, and ingenuous So#. And that this is fo, 1 do affirm upon Experience, that an Acorz fowb by hand in aNugery, or ground where it may befree from thefe éncumbrances , {hall in two orthree Years out-{trip a Plant of twice that age, which has either been felffown in the Woods, or remoyed; unlefs it fortune, by fome favourable accident, to have been fcattered into a more natural, penetrable, and better qualified place; But this difproportton is yet infinitely more remarkable in the Pize, and the Wal/-nuttree, where the Nut fet into the ground does ufually overtake a Zree often years growth which was planted at the fame inftant; and this is a Secret fo generally mif-reprefented by moft of thofe who have treated of thefe fort of Trees, that I cculd not fuffer it to pals over without a particular remark 5 fo as the noble Poet (with pardon for receding from fo venerable Authority ) might be miftaken, when he delivers this obfervation as znzverfal, to the prejudice of Sowing, and railing Woods from their Rudiments : are made Nam que feminibus ja@is fe fuftulit arbos ‘Trees which from fcattered Seeds to {pring umbram.. it 5 feris fatlura ncpotibus Tavdaven flowly on; for our Grand-childrens thade. iete Come atiesat s Sit and And indeed I know divers are of this opinion; had in Tranffomé tuckier Soils , and where exttaordinaty, careis for inftanMajt, ox Berries, for we wouldnot go out of our Foreft planting, and removing cumbrances Depa penetrating to a Veine of fome rich Marle or other Mould, the extraordinary flourifhing and expedition of growth, will foon give fon forit 5 Buc affirm It 6s 68s sav, and for the mott part, did find Thave the fuffrage of another no inelegant Poet, if not ina full mes ces, And yet evenin thefe defents of the Top-Koot, it fometi notice of it. But to make fome Jyial of this, ‘twere nodifheule matter, when one plants a Nurfery or Grove,to experiment what the Baan AEG Kept t ate hep prec will ar vanne and difBare cover tous. 8, In the mean time, it has been ftifly controverted byfomes whether were better to raife Trees for Timber, and the like ufess from their Seeds and firft Rudiments, or to Tranfplant fuch as we find have either raigd themfelves from from the Afther-roots, their Seeds, oe {pring Now, thatto produce them immediate- ly of the Seedis the better way, thefe Reafons may feem to evince, Firft. becaufe theytake fooneft. Secondly, becaufe they make the ftraighteft, and moft uniform fhoot. Thirdly, becaufe they will neither require /taking, nor watering (whichare two very confiderable Articles) and Jaftly, for that all tranfplanting (thoughit much improve Fruit trees) unlefs they are taken up the firft Yeary or two, is aconfiderable impediment ro the growth ofForeft-trees. And, thoughit be true, that divers of thofe which are found in Woods, efpecially Oaklings, young Beeches, Afh, and fome others, ipring from the felf {own aft and keys ; yet, being tor the moft part dropp’d, and difleminated amongft the half rotten {ticks mufty leaves, and perplexities of the wother-roots,they grow {craggy 5 Geo.2. Dieta may RA fat aflentto my Afertion, yet inthe choyce of my. procedurefertheir perfection, ——— Though Suckers which the Steck repaire, Will with thick Branches crowd the empty Aire, Suet Quamvis ipfa de stirpe paresis Pullulet,S tenues tollat fe quercus in auras enntae saeether Gorionetakey savtiti bom en EI e ped ea oe,e Secmo UMERES TF As whit omens ieraweszivewe In open fields at their due diftance grows. What though your Ground long time muft fallow ly, AndSecdling-Oakes yield Buta flow fupply ? Nowalks elfe can be forlike beauty prais’d For,certain ’tis, that Plats from Acorns rais’d, As to the center deeper fivers {pread, So tothe Zenith more advancetheir head: Be it that Planes for natural moyfture pine, And asexpos’d at Change ofSoile decline $ Orthat the Acorn with its hative mould Do's thrive,and {pread, and firmealliance held. Et quamguam : ral ti Diteladiensnc lataPEses wenn His tamen,his longe ventiunt felicius.nmbra. Nam certum eft de glaude [atas radicibus imis Altius in terramper fe dé(cendere plantas ; Aajore(que adeoin calum profundere ramos. Seu quoddedifcant mutatam femina matrem, Dgen:remque ferantalieno ex ubere prolem+ Sive quod ipfa bi cognate inolefceré terra Glans primo melius paxlatin affuevit ab orta. Kapinus Bort./. 2. |