OCR Text |
Show The Table. Quincunk | Veffel 20. $4158,61,66, | Vines 12, Vinous Liquors 32+| Vintners > Ain i ‘a 2 aifins Rafpis 11,15. Virgil vide Wine : vide Cellar | Ufefulnefs Refrigeratorie 16. Rhamnus Rheumes 31,60. Oe Ripenefs Rock Royal Society ~ 1,405 16,317,206 Root Rottenefs W WU / Ater 66, VV | Wine §2553555158,06+ Windfalls Sand Sculpture Seafon Sharpnefs Shoot Soil 121 332,46,47, 58,63. I2. $4. 15,16, Species Spices Spirits The Table to the Kalender. | Il. vide Hypochondria, Stocks 7,8,(0,i1,13,14,15,16,17,21,22,24, Stomack 30,31, 33,40+ 9,16,21. Stones 24. Stools Stopping 61,64, vide Vent: | Straining * Able-Fruit Tables Tafte ‘Tenant Teeth Timber Toughnefs Trade Tranfplanting Tranfporting Tunnirg \ ” Aviety Vent Vertues Blequeation 48,6164. Abricots 47, L 32, | Acacia Straw Suggat Sulpbur Summer- fruit Surfeit Sweating Swine it might feem impertinent to have ad= ded a Table to a Book, offo {mall a Volume ‘ and which feems to beof itfelf buta Table : But fince it may prove advantageOus for the faving of time, at once to learn the whole Culture of any Playt,as the Particulars are {princkled the feveral Pages . jthe Authour has thought ficto Colké#, and annex it, 3,18,38,§3,59,57,58,61 62, Spleen 20,24,25. 11,12,47, 14,17. 60, vide Fermenting: vide Pref Working 4,8,10,29, 33,60,63. 4. 17, Autumnals 54. 37,02. 55565. Wringing Sophiltication Sowrenefs Aviaries Auricula 30,5 6,64,66. Wages 20, 3,4,8,30,39,43,47,49, 58,59, gi. Windinefs 9330. Winds vide Cellar, | Wonders 25. Worcefter. fhire S ae 41. 3. Canary 38,40. Cherry 37, Gilly, flo. 37. Rafpisi7,. Rhenifh.65. Ver. dea go, Zerres , vide Vinous Liquors, | Page 8,26. 18,20,26. 25. 32. | Aithiopic Apples 46. African flower 13, 13. 40. | Age 266 vide Hording. 46,60. | Agriculture 20,36,60,63. | Alaternus F | Alefanders 8,13. | Aloes 25. | Althaa 48. Amaranthus 2+ | Amomum Plinii 66. Angelica 24. | Anemonies 57: | 16, 7. T1513, 1§,23,25527¢ 12, ¥3,24,29% 29. 13,17,21. 13,21,25. 23, 9.13,1§,17,19,21,23,25. 27,31. - | Anifeeds 10,12,21,22. | Antirrhinum 12,13. | Annuals 45,48,61 64. Apples V | April 3, vide Mixture. Arbutus § 3,64, Vide Stopping. Artichocks Afpargus The Table. Auguft ro. 17. 15,25. 18,24, 14,15. 23,29: 14,24,28. 12,13,2§,28. Auguly Alfamina Barba Jovis Bafil pag. 22,23, | Cutting 11,13,19, | Cyanus 9,13415,19,23 25,29. Cyons 25. | | 13,23. | 15,2551. | 12514,16, Cypreffe Cyclamen Cyder Cytifus 13 ,1§,19,21,23,25, 22,24 26,30, 19,25,29, Bayes 13,31. AGyls 13,252 Beans se! 10,14,16,28,30,| D Daffodils vide Narciffus, Bees 8, 10,1 2,14,16,18,20,22,24,30, | Dates vide Dadtyle, vide Hives Datura 13. Beetes 42,22. December 30531. Birds 11,13. | Dens Caninus 19,21,23. Blanching 13. | Delphinium 11,15 ,33,25. Box 1§,15,21.| Digging 8, vide Trenching, Budding vide Inoculating. | Digitalis 1§,23,2§. vide Fox- glove, Buds 22,24, | Diftilling vide Laboratory. Buglofs 12. | Dreffing 3 Bulbs x 21,23,2§,31. | Drones 28 €> ae 00,12, 16,20,22,24,28. Camomile 13,25. Candy-Tafts 15,25. Canna Ind. 13,21. Cankers 10, Capillaries 25 Capficum | Dung vide Compott, Soil, Stercoration | Dwarfs 26 | 7L\ Arthing-up | E Endive | Exotics | Experience 246 12,222 13,195 5,9,7. 13,21, Carnations 9,11,13;25,17,18,19,21,23, Febery 27,29. | Felicity Carpet Carrob Carrots Cafes Caterpillars Cats Cauly-flower Chamz Iris Chamalza Cherries Chervile Ciftus Climate Clipping Cloves Colchicum Columbines Cucumbers I26 1§,25,294 13,15§,25. 10,%2,22,28, | Firr 15,25,29, | Elos-Cardinalis 10. Flowers 15,256 | Foges 25- 8,10,22,24,28, 13. 25. 8,18,19. $,12,18,22. 5,76 256 | Forelt-Trees | Fountain Pipes Fox- gloves 29. 31, vide Digitalis, 23. 19,28;235 Fraxinella | Fritillaria 24. Froft 7 Fruit and Fruit-trees 15,21. || 26,39, vide Carnations, | 21,23. | Aard’ner ¢ | J Gardine Garlick Gonfervatory 13,15)17,25 ,29,31 432533. Garnfey-Lilly Crown. Imperial 5° 13, | Fibrous Plants Compoft vide Sterc ration, Dung,Soil,28, Contemplation Convolvulus Corn-fallet Creflus Crocus 10,1te vide Walks, | Fennel 5. 132 Gathering Gentianella Geranium Gilly- flowers . Gladiolus Gourds Granads 9:13 ,29,30,31, 6,7,8,10,12,24, wide Gathering, $,6,70 10,22) 1§. 24,26,28. 13, 33,29. vide Carnations, 21. 12, vide Pome-Granads, Graffing |