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Show The Table. The TA BLE to POM EZ Att ON pag. 206 15. Age 59:65. Agticulture Aire Ale 5. 3,8. I. Alteration vide Species, Mixture 15, 16, Antidote 37. Antients 14,15. Apples 7,310,115 14, 16,31 ,35,39,52- Hard 40, 41, 42, 48. Sweet 57. Bottling A. 55,58,62,66. Broching 32,45,58 sae ar Cc. Canaryvide Wine, Cask vide Velsel, Cellar 25. auren 4 38,47,62,66. Challenge 3,4. Mrs Call- 22, 18,19,30,40,59,65. Gilly-Flow- | wal, 63, &c. er §7. Greening 16: Harley 65, Cion Harvy 16,18,58. Heming 64. Mutts Clay 8, 18,34, 35,58, 64, 65. Olive 65. | Clarifying vide Fining, Peare-main 16, 18, 30, 34, 40,57,58, Clary 60, 65. HM Pepin 11,17. 9,10,20,33. 38. | Clove-Gilly- flowers, vide Wine, Clownes 14: Codlin vide Apple, Colour 35,5757. Columella 17. Foaith $ 16,18,19,30,34,39, 4°, 50,||| Golden ¢ 57, $8, 60. Pleafcentine Purling 56. Coffee Commons 3. 2, 20,21, Red-Strake 2, 4,8, 10, 14,18,19,29, 32, 33,35,38,40,58,59,65, Roufse- Compof t ting 16. Stoking 16, Under- Leaf 65. Cold Wood-cock 64, Cordial Aprill 47. Corn Approach vide Grafting, Curiofity Arrable Afped Bark Berberies Birch Birds Blails §8. wide Cellar, 37. 67. Tet Diluting vide Water! RB Aking vide Apple. Beere Je D. B, 1 e5. qZ, Diftance Diftillation Dorcet-fhire 9 | Drawing wide Broaching, 16, | Drink 12. Dwarfes 3,34, Fining Fountain 209 a: 2521,22,34, 38557,58. 65. Fruiterer L. 54. 1 Leaven vide Fermentation 32. 41542543 ,44546,47, 50. 20% 24. | Lungs 55,5§8,65,66. 38. | 66. 47549. Frofts Fruit 738,9,13514, 29% 19, 32, 37, 38, 40,41 ad | Lopping rragrancy Abinets 2, 58. Faking 16. Lee — 22,236 | Levelling 49,5 3355558 ,61,62,64,66. Fret Arier-Apple 65. Baking-Apple 65. Chance 3, Bitter-Sweet 56, Bromsberry-Crab.8, Chayree Z5e 14,18519,40,5 8,65. Codling 19, Cole- Cherries 15, 25, Cherry-Wine, vide ing Ap.65.Crab and Wilding 7,8 ,9, 10, Wine. 1415,16, 18, 19,20,24,31,32,36,58+ Cider 2,3,4,8,14,18. ByDr. Beales29. Deane. 57. Eliot 16, Fillets 59. Sit P. Neile, 39. Mr. Newbery,52. Dr. Fox-Whelp 18,58,65. Genet-Moyle Smith,58. Mr. Taylor, 59. 7Cn 3% 14. _,\Eavor Fencing Fermentation peg: 25. iL Keeping 14,16. | Kernel] 20. Kings-Chapell F pr3,66. §6,57,62, : vide Wind, ler Ent Encouragement Englifh Experiments 32,38, 44, 45, 46, 47,48,49. Budds pag. | ®_, Ebony Elm | Blofsomes | Boiling Boundance Abricot ; Af Eliorating M Mellowing Mixture Me vide Improvement, 60, ide Ripenefs, 38,56,64, 33 - | Moifture I, 2, 12, 13,33,34,05s wide Moon Table, Muftard ‘Arden JS Gathering Ginger Glocefter- fhire Graffs Graffing Grapes Gravell Green-Fruit Ground Guneltock Grinding Bess Head- lands Health Heat Hedg rowes Hereford fhire Hills meres olownels Hopps Hypochondria ¥Arley J Impofture Improvement Inclofure India Infirmit t Inoculation Inftrument- maker Juniper Berries 58. 13. . | Mutts G: | Maftinefs || 3,65. | Wie -| Nature r 46. 11,19,34,36,63. | ¢ \Rder 4°,43,47. ) Ortyard 9,20, Prllatins 19. 25: 32,37,42,55. vide Apples, $5356, 35 16. | November vide Fruit aot Palat 20, 10,20,33,34. > : 36. 16 Paflure 63 vide Prefling | Peares 12, 759,10,11, 16,31,32,33 39, 36,58,60,63. Barland and Bosbury 29. P+14,19,36°60, Bery8. Drake Pear 2 | 64. Harpary 64. John Pear 64, Lul. lam 64. Mary 64, Oken-Pin 14, Pigs. taile 24. Squath 63,64, Tergovian 13, 56, 25333 Peare- trees 2,79,38:49,59,60. | Perrie zo, | Piercing 32,52,54,58,60,63,65. | Pith 72. | Place 19,20, 13,19,24,34,36,40,409,63. tide Broching, o 20,52. 2 1,2 | Planting 3,30. Plow e Plowing 56,57 Plums 14. Poor 1¥,13,16,36 PrefS & vide Common Preffi 10,34, 37 2 (63,66. ng’ 30,31,43,48,55,57.58,60,61, 3. | Pruning 16, | Purifing 9 vide Grafting } u antity 25 ¢)* Quick fets Quince 37,364 | 24. vide Fining % 60,61 ,605, 0,01, 24, 17 Quin- |