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Show Yo the Reader. in which let me ‘be permitted to fay, There, is ftufficient - To the Reader. affirmit) furpafs’d any, if not all the Forriners that are for Infirutiion, and more than is extant in any Colletiion whatfoever ( abjit verbo invidia ) in this way, and upon this Subjett ; abftratting things Pratiicable, of folid afes and extant: In Zhofe it is you meet with the Defcription of the feveral Plants, by Difcourfes , Figures, Names : Places of Gromth, time of Flourifbing , and their Meditinal Virtues 5 material, from the Oftemtation and impeftinencés of’ divers which may fupply any deficiency of mine as to thofe Par- Writers ; who receiving all thac cameto hand on truft , to {well their monftrous Volumes, havehitherto impos'd upon the credulous World, without confeience or honesty. 1 will not exafperate the Adorers of our ancient and late Natura- ticulars; ifthe forbearing that Repetition , fhould by any be imputed for a defedt, though it were indeed none of my defigne: 1 fay, thefe things are long fince performed to ourhands: But there is none of thefe (that ! at leaft dl know of , and are come to my perufal) who have takent noune’d concerning their Rhapjfodies ( becaufe I likewife tion): befides fomefivall {prinklings to be met withalin Gervas Markham, Old Tuffer, and the Country-Farm long for much ot that I know,) norwill 1 (with fome’) reproach Pliny, Porta, Cardan, Mizaldue, Curfius, and many fince Tranflated out of French;and by no meansfuitable to ourclime and Country : Neither have any ofthefe proceed~ ed after my Method, and fo particularly,in Raifing, Plant- i anit eee U lifts, by repeating of what our Verulam has juftly pro- any confiderable pains how to Direét , and Encourage us honourtheir painful Endeavours, and am oblig’d to them in the Culture of Foreft-Zrees (the grand dcfeét of this Va- | . ing, Dreffing and Governing, &c. or fo feduloufly made it their bufinefs , to Specifie the Mechanical Ufes ofthe feveral kinds, as | have done, which was hitherto a great defiderate: and in whichthe Reader will likewife find fome things altogether New and Jafiruéiive ; and both Direttions and Encouragements for the Propagation of fome forain Curiofities of Ornament and Uf, which were hitherto negle€ted. If 1 have upon occafion prefum'd to fay any . othersof great Names ( whofe Writings 1 have diligently confulted } for the Anowledge they have imparted to me on this Occafion; but I mutt deplore the time which is ¢ for the moft part) fo miferably loft in purfuit of their Speculations , where they treat uponthis Argument : But the Worldis now advis'd, and blefled be God) infinitely redeem’d from that bafe andfervile fubmiffion of our nobleft Faculties to theirblind Zraditions. This, you will be apt to fay, is a haughity Period ; but whiles 1 affirm ic of the Pafl, it justifies , and does honour to the Prefent Induftry of our Age, and of which there cannot bea thing concerningtheir Medicinal properties , it has been Modeftly and Frugally,and with chief,ifnot onely refpect to greater and more emulous Inflance, than the Paffton ofHis Majefly to encourage His Subjetis , and of the Royal Society, the poor Hocd-man, whom none I prefume will envy, that His Majeflies Foundation, who receiveand promote His Di- Gates , in allcharis laudable and truly émolumental of this living far from the Phyfitian, he fhouldin cae of Necef# quidem, henidiogne ox- fity,confult the reverend Druid, his * Okes, nw cavemt , Saci cnvinm, wejinam won and his Elme, Birch or Elder, for a thort ianSe. wine ware Breath , a Green Wound, ota fore Les: Nature. It isnot therefore that I ere prefume to inftru& Mim in the managementofthat great and auguft Enterprife of Thefe are the chief Particulars ofthis Magazines of Timber, tor the benefit of His Royal Navy , porate one» wm linteagsete ~~ Cafualties incident to this hard Laloek enfuing Work, and what it pretends hitherto of Singular, ik refolving to Plant andrepair His ample Forefls, and other and the glory of His Hingdoms; but to prefent to His Sacred ¢ 2 |