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Show I EEPOET OF THE ~OMM~SSIOBB OF INDIAN APPllRS. 69 the act of Congress of March 23,1898 (30 Stats., 341), eutitled "An act to grant the right of way through the Indian Territory to the Denison, Bonham and New Orleans Itailway Company for the purpose of con-structing a railway, and for other purposes," was amended so as to invest the Denison, Bonham and Gnlf Railway Company with all of the powers and franchises granted in said act, and provides that said act shall hereafter read and be considered in all respects as if the name of the Denison, Bonham and Gulf Railway Company had been inserted in the original act in place of the Denison, Bonham and New Orleans Railway Company. Avkansas North.wutestm Railway Company.-By act of Congress approved March 2,1899 (30 Stats., 995 and p. 507 of this report), the act of April 6, 1896 (29 Stats., 87), granting the above-named company a right of way.through the Indian Territory, was amended as follows: SEC8. . That eaid railway oompany shall bnild at least 100 miles of its railway within five year8 after the passage of this act, or the rights herein granted shall he forfeited as to that portion not built. That said railway company shsll construct and maintain continually &I1 fences, roads, highways, and orossings. and neCe88ary awitohes orer said railway wherever said roads or highn,ays do now or may here-after cross said railway's right of way or may be by the proper authorities laid out across thesame. No maps of definite location of theline of theroad have yet been filed in this office for approval. Chicago, Rook Inland and Pa&& Railway Company.-The Depart-ment has approved three sectional maps of definitelociltion of the first southwestern branch line of the company's roadcommencing near Chick-asha, iu the Indian Territory, andextendinginageneral westerly direc-tion through the Kiowa, Apache, ind Wichita reservations, a distance of 75 miles. The map of section 1 wasapproved on December 23,1898, the map of section 2 on January 17,1899, and the map of section 3 on March 17, 1899. Five plats of station grounds alolig this portion of the line of road have also been approved as follows: Plats of station grounds on the first and second 10-mile sections were approved on January 21,1899; the plats of the fourth, fifth, and sixth 10-mile sec-tions were approved March 29,1899. April 20 the oompany tendered a draft for $2,551.50 in payment of right of way at the rate of 850per mile for the first 51.03 miles of said first southwestern branch line of road. Up to that date the road had been completed by grading only this distance. June26,1899, thecompany tendered a draft for $1,853.48 in payment of the annual tax at the rate of $15 per mile for each mile of road constructed through Indian lands for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1899, said tender of taxes covering the amount due on the main line of the road through the Chickasaw Nation and on the first aouthwestern branch line. July 19, 1899, the Department approved the plat of additional station grounds on the main line of the road near Chickasha, Indian Territory, situated in the northwest quarter of seo-tion 34, township 7 north of range 7 west of the Indian meridian, |