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Show 78 REPORT OF THE COMMISBIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. of proposed regulations for the prevention of smuggling and to obviate friction between the customs officials and Indian agents of Arizona. November 29,1898, the Secretary of the Treasury recommended that in the event of such rules being adopted they he issued as a joint circular by the two Departments. These rules and regulations, approved by this office December 6,1898, by the Secretary of the Interior December 8, and by the Secretary of the Treasq December 23,.were issued as a circular, and are as follows: RULES AND REGULATIONS CONCERNING CATTLE AND OTHER STOCK. [Issued jointly by the Interior and Tmaanry Departments for the proper gaidanw of the caqtata8 officials of the Treaanry Department and the Indian sgents snd subagent8 of the Interior Depart. ment in A~izona.1 1. Ali Indian stock shall be given a common or reservation brand in addition to the individual, family, or village brand now in use. 2. Indiansmnst not be allowed toenter Mexioo for the purposeof recovering stray stook, except under the direction of the agent and when acoompanied by an officer or employee detailed therefor. 3. When stray stook is reoovered it shall be the duty of the Indians and of the officer in oherge of them to report on their return to the neerest custom-house and make entry thereof as required by law and the Treasury Regulations. 4. It shall be the duty of the oostomn offioers before searching for smuggled stook . on the reservations to report to the agent in charge. It aha11 then be the duty of the latter to permit such emmination llnd search and to aooperate with the inspeot-ore by detailing his polioe for the purpose a ~ tdo o therwise render the offioers suoh sssistssee 88 may be needed. 5. Customs offioers in the pursuit of szr?nggled atook m y follow the ame into or upon a reservation before reporting to the agent in oharge, but shall do no act other thanfor the detention and safe-keeping of the stock until they shall have informed the agent of their presence and the abject thereof. 6. When seizure ia made on a resemiltion or from Indiana off the reservation, but under the control of the agency, the sei~ingof fioer shall promptly notify the agent, giving the nnmber and description thereof, including the brands. I. If olaim be made by the Indians through the agent that the stook nnder seiz-ure is not subjeot to forfeiture, pending the filing of snch claim enddelivery of the bond for the release thereof, said stook shall be left in the custody of the agent who shall be deemed the representative of the oolleotor for the purpose of oaring for and safely keeping said stook, snd in the event of the failore of the claimant to comply with the provisions of articles 957 md 958 of the Treasury Ragulationa, said stock shdi be delivered to the customs offioers on demand. I DEPARTMENOPT TW INTERIOR, Washi+~gto?Dt,. C., Decmber 8,1898. The foregoing roles and regulations are hereby approved. C. N. BLISS,S wetary. TREASURY DEPART~NT, Washington, D. C., December S3,1898. The foregoing rules and regulations are hereby approved. L. J. GAGES,e metary. The Tressury Regulations referred to above are as follows, viz, Ciroular No. 114 of July 31,1897. Paagreph 4lS of the act of Jnly 24,1897, contains the following provision: cattle, hmea, sheep, or other domestic apimals straying across the boondary line into any forei n country. or drive? &omas snch boundary lane by the owner fo: ternporwpastursge WrPosea on$ together with them ofspring, may be bronght baok to thsUnited States wt hm s ~ mx o nth8 free ok duty under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasur~. |