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Show I REPORT OF TEE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. 95 ildren. It should not be overlooked that these people came to the rritory by andwith the consent of the Indians. They have made their mes among them, built towns and cities, improved farms, and devel-d the country. Almost every character of business or profession in ch they are engaged pays a tax of some kind into the several treas-ies. They are required to pay poll tax in some cases, and therefore me steps should be taken to provide proper facilities for caring for is large army of young Americans growing np in the midst of these ndian communities. If there is one place more tban another which emands educational facilities it is for the children of the white set- 'u Indian Territory. The attention of this office has been called e large number of indigent orphans throughout the several tions, their parents coming from diitaut States, settlingamong these 'ans, and connection with their former home broken or forgotten, iug little children without any means of support or anyone to care them. There is no organized charity upon the part of the various an nations or among the whites themselves. The little ones are less, pitiable creatures. Rev. W. T. Whitaker, of the Cherokee n, has organized an orphan asylum for the benefit of these chil-en. He seeks by correspondence to fiud the frieuds and relatives of e orphans who may be brought to him. Failing in that he endeav-s to take care of them ill' as comfortable a manner as the limited eans at his disposal may permit. He has struggled hard to found an rphau asylum, but beiug snpported by voluntary contributionsthrough-ut the couutry, itmaiutains but aprecariouscxisterce. Such an insti-ution is an absolute necessity in that community, aud by placing the 'ttle ones in an atmosphere of morality and refinenlent it may be possible to save the Government thousands of dollars in criminal Papnlatian-The following is a11 estimate of,the total population of Indian Territory cbmpiled from Lhe records of the Dames Commission : Cherokee Indians ............................................. 30, OW Cherokee freedmen.. .......................................... 4,000 -- Total ................................................... -34,000 Chootaw Indians.. ............................................ 14,500 Chootew freedmen ............................................ 4,500 -- Totill ................................................... 19,000 - Creek Indians ................................................ 10,000 Creek freedmen. .............................................. -4,500 Tots1 ................................................... 14,5W - Chickasaw Indiana ............................................ 6, Oo Chickasaw freedmen .......................................... 4,500 -- Total ................................................... 10,50 - |