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Show 664 RIGHT OF WAY FOR RAILWAY LINES. main line, and should be separately described in the forms by termini and length. For longer lines separate maps should be filed. Grounds desired for station purposes may he indicated on the map of location of the road, hut separate plats of such grounds must he filed and approved. 9. The ma s should show any other road cm~ e do, r with which connection is made, and, wgenever poasihle, the station number on the survey thenof at the point of intersection. All such intersecting roads must be represented in ink of a different color from that used for the line for which the a plicant asks right of way. Field notes of the surveys should he written along thegne on the map. If themap would thereby he too much crowded to be eaaily read, then duplicate field notes shonld be filed separate from the map, and in such form that they ma be folded for filing. In such caze it will be necessary to place on the map only a s&cient number of station numbers to make it convenient to follow the field notes of the map. The map must also show the lines of reference of initial and terminal points, with their courses and diskces. 10. Ty written field notes, with clear carbon copies, are preferred whenever sep-arate fiernotes are necesmry, as they expedite the examination of applications. The field notes, whether given on the u p or filed se amtely, must be so complete that the line may be retraced from them on the grounit. They should show whether lines were run on true or magnetic bearings; and in the latter caee the variation of the needle and date of determination must he stated. One or more hearings (or angular connections with public surve lines) must be iven The tenmile sections must be indicated and numbered on s6 lines of road sutmitted. 11. The scale of maps showing the line of mute should be 2,000 feet to an inch. The maps may, however, he drawn to a larger acale when necessary; but the scale mnst not be so greatly increased as to make the map inconveniently h e fo r hand-ling. In most cases by furnishing es arate field notes an increase of scale can be avoided. Plats of station ground shou5d be drawn on a scale of 400 feet to an inch, and must be filed separately from the line of route. Such plats should show enough of the line of route to indicate the position of the tract with reference thereto. 12. The termini of the line of road should he fixed, by reference of course and dis-tance to the nearest existing comer of the public survey. The map, engineer's a5- davit, and president's certificate (Forms 3 and 4) should each show these connections. The company must certify in Form 4 that the road is to he operated as 8 'common carrier of pasengem and freight. A tract for station grounds must be similarly ref-erenced and described on the plat and in Forms 7 and 8, except when the tract con-forms to the subdivisions of the public surveys, in which caee it may be described in the forma according to the subdivisions. 13. Wheneither terminalof the line of routeis upon unsurveyed land it must becon-neeted h traverse with an established comer of the public survey, if not more than 6 miles $stant from it, and the single bearing and distance from the terminal point to the comer computed and noted on the map, in the engineer'saEdavit, and in the president's certificate (Forms 3 and 4). The notea and all data for the computation of the traverse must he given. 14. When the digtance to an established comer of the public wrvey ismore than 6 milee, this conned~onw ill he made with a natural object or a permanent monument which can be readily found and recognized, and which will fix and perpetuate the position of the termmal point. The ma must show.the position of such mark, and course and distance to the terminus. ~ g e rme ust be given anaccnmtedescription of the mark and full data of the traverse, as required above. The engineer's asdavit and president's certificate (Forms 3 and 4) must state the connections. These mon-uments are of great importance. 15. Whenever the line of survey crosses a township or &ion line of the public survey, the distance to the nearest existing comer shonld he wertained and noted. The map or plat should show these distances and the station numbers at the points of intersection. When field notes are submitted, they should also contain these dis-tance~ an d station numbers. 16. The en ineer's affidavit and preaident'acertificate must be written on the map, and mnst bot% desi nate by termini and length, in ~ n ~ l aensd decimals, the line of route for which rigfit-of-way applicat~on is made. (See Forms 3 and 4.) Station grounds must be described by inltal point and a r a in aem (see Forms 7 and 8) ; and when they are on surveyed land the smallest legal subdivision in which they are located shonld he stated. No changes or additions are allowable in the substance of any forms, except when the emntial facts differ from those assumed therein. Bhowlng M a~ccmp8ny map of location.-17, It is further ~rovided bv this act- ~ ~ Tnat n.,rlght ol wn? rllall k-xranred under thlr 8r.t untl. rhl: 5e1relxri uf the lotenor lrRnri\fled t h ~tln et,onl ihn, apptylllg has mndr will appllrsllolo 111 em lrlth and s i r l l mtrltlaltd nbllrty lo conatruet %dl$ mid, and 111 w e clhlertlon lo the KlanIIng 01 81sn right 01 way enall k mad?, ssld |