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Show REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF INDIAN SOHOOLS. 469 brane apply dry bicarbonate of soda, or powdered alum, and gargle with pyrozane or dm601 and water. Rheumatism sometimes locates in the throat, for which salycilimtes should be used. Diet, a nourishing liquid., , For suppurative tonmhtls, scarify over the most prominent rt to hasten the rupture of the abscess and use a gargle of iron or listerhe. Eve an iron tonic. Breathe warm air and bum the throat excretions. Diphtheria. : A contagious disease, poison from which is given off in saliva, but not in breath. There is special danger to the attendant in examining and swahh~ngth e throat. The virus will attach to clothing, bedding, ete., and has great temmty of life. Chmcterieed by a fibrinous exudate, usually upon a mucous membrane, and by ebnstitutional symptoms. The rm is found in the pseudomembrane. It is best cultivated in blood serurp. The co%nies are large, gmyish white, with an opaz u e center. Multiplies readily ~n milk. It retains life many mouths, and is one of t e most violent poisons. May be contracted from the exudate, from the secretions of the noseand throat of conva-lescents, and from the throata of healthy persons who have taken the bacilli from the person or clothing of someone. It is prone to develop in connection with scarlet fc\.vr. Tllc rnt~rnhnulc often coscru rhr enrircpurincc of mourl) anrl tlmat, exten<ling r,sct~ to lip3 xn~l hlotrkin~ nostrils. Period oi invub,ttiun, fire 11, FI.\.CII days; svrnptomt, chi-lli-n'r-~i. -.f,w- r-. r. rain in llxrk and li~uhs:t t,mocr.iture. 102" itr:lo. nrtd'in sewre . L~ cases 104'. . Membranes fir& amear on the ton'sils. In ?~vorahlme e 8 in from seven I<, I V I ~d ays rhe *st:lling dimin;dhes xn\l n2rt,very k ~ i n a . Kidney co~npliwtiuta~rie common. 1:ari:rl paralyris ant1 QYQnr ompl~,tc1 xtmIy~idr uay dcvvlop. Tl,e Ilr3r1 ~,mct in. l -a~ly ys to YO I,ratd a injinutr. Ha11 iailurc 1111.1 Paul ~ U , . O ~mQn y occur aw 1at.e aa the sixth or seventh week. ~clrilr~~lnr~nl.-~~~.nhwthitrho paerm xhleoi hydropm: or bivhloridvof mPn.nry, I-1WO; or carbolic acid, 3 per cent in :lO p ~ rr.c ut alcohol sulnrimr: <,rp m,l>loridro f in,n, I) draws; glycerin, 1 ounce; a.at+.r, I nturre; carbolic acid, 15 tu 20 dn,p. Ulcxrd rerum ci immune rrnimsls ir an important antitoxinr. THE P-moAL TEAOHINQO F PWS'BIOWQP AND HP~IENI NE TBE INDIAS~NH0 01n4. In theteaching of thisvitally important subject, " Exampleis better thanprecept," and "Actions sneak louder than words." lnrutiug, P ~ ~ ~ 1101~ b~.~n.~Il~r~~n~~~it3~~ m~Ge~arl~ wi~i;flllitnI : ~ g~: v vInri m e. CI~e.ck tht,n~(1 111yi u r u d e n r ~or~ t i,., llt#ayw ting. TI>+p cliio!te ronrninnl in 1t.a xu,! <!offee :-~-n -. l t.h..e .i..r e.f-fw..t. unon the human sratenl 8houl.l I*, i3itlliuIIv tnucht i l l H C O ~ ~ < ~ U I * with the best aut&i;ie&nth&e s&&. Besides the proder sekction of the hes food. the moat healthful preparation dhould be taught. The-school cook must see to ;I thht grains and vep~talil~911int i' 11 W I I Y I ~ S U Wr~o nditinn wl~etlL r~uglirt o the mble, a ~th~at ulot hing is saturntcd uith crenx,. Ilavt? r l e~uu r h r d . Phvsh~lu~avn d hveirne arc, tnueht u~ltsidel lir nchoolmuru. dinine roouj, and k i ~ & e ~ . - ~ ~ Iveohk%rti on of roogs, cleanliness of the ~ersonc;l othigg, buildings, ant1 rouudn nhould LC tau Ilt in tli?diffcrtnt depalf~n&t, illid i n r h ~ ~ c h <arn, la rhufe. Thv matron, a n8l i~* tlir reacher and si%rn?rres, nwt $ltclw It< w ti$t -r...r~!rw nta ~ilu~n~erd~e~ r~ir~ru lntiun 8nrl 1,natliir~v. Girls should MI i~niunr oita wac1i~1.e ~ to the ankles. See that hose supporters aye neither too short nor too tight. The pupils should be ta ht the injurious effects of alcohol and tobacco, and no teacher or other employee%ould be guilt of usmu$Jhes. I believe that the greatest good we can %o the In ,an is to tewh himthat the body is the tempi? of God." Teach him to be an honest industrious, law-abiding, pure, temperate wtleen. In other words,, teach him ph;siology and hygiene. In the truest sense make the teaching praetlcal. MUSIC. Mins Estelle Carpenter, director of music in the San Frauciane public achools, was ih charge of the muslc section. She spoke at some length on the proper use of the voice and the attention that the teacher should give to developing the lpusical instinct of the child. I n concluding, Miss Carpenter sang a ch~ldso ng a an illustrat~ono f the proper method. In the limited time allowed the section the reaults were good, both m quantity and quaiity. |