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Show ADDR.ESSES MADE DURING THE SESSIONS. THE FIRE DRILL. By Supervisor A. 0. WBIGHT. The object of the fire drill is to move the pupils out of a buildin as rapidly and orderly as possible. The day drill consists of forming upils, unrfer cpmmanrl of their oficers, and marching them to a place of safety. ?n the night dnll, one way is to have the pupils go to bed after placing their clothes where they ea;n be readily ed in the dark. When the signal is given, they should leave their beds, carry clothes to their selected dressing room, then dress as mpldly as pmlhle. Another way is to awaken the upils at night and conduct the same movements. There are two ways of countin ?among several) to which I give preference. One ia to have an o5cer responsible k r each dormitory, if not too large. The other is to divide the school into squads of ei ht under a corporal, who shall report, as in mili-tary drill, whether his or her s q d i: in line. . Schools should be abundantly supplied with water and hose, and a 6t-e compao of the larger boys, in command of the best male employee, should be organ~zedl Arrangements should be made for waking officers and employees and for saving groperty. Fire drill should be conducted as quietly as possible, and no one should e allowed to shout "fire." The object is to be so well repared that if a s l fi re occurs each officer and pupil will know his duty and per$, it fearlessly. IDEAS IN REFERENCE TO INDIAN EDUCATION. By Rev. Pather HanN,supednteIIdent St. Bonifaoe Industrh.1 School,Banning, Cal. Erotn an Indian ellihl y ~ mun nor expet nu moclr a;+ im~nn ahirr cllild. U'r 11lusl hnw i~~rl~eamnrr-h.iprea ritlice. Lrgil.~o n IIIC I~lllimp ~ ~ini al11 i~t+p~~tmieaunr-ner mnv heu.ildcr hi,.,. hut norhin~w ill hc cainvrl. absohdlv necessary. -A teacher without a method is like a man described by%.. I'alll-h<iq strikin; the sir. ITowc\.rr, ~uanv works OIL modern tnrrLnd are tnlllplu-lions hum foreiCn$nguagrs,md the learned prufeds~~d?id not write their m r t l ~ ~ ~ ~ l ? fur ln~liauv hilJren. \Vhether vuur method !A' a l ~ ~ DuT rm odrrtl. do vour wurk race. Indian children are twice children; they are children and thsy are Indians, and sometimes they are stubborn children. They have sometimes a natural tired feeline and need some rest. You mav. in a. mechanical manner. teach them manv thin& You mav assist them in h i & their memory and deieloping their intef-lect, but ou can hot give them any mo<?Fns than Gbd has given2hCm. An 1n:ian inspector once said to me, Take your children out on the hills or throueh the barn. Show them a cow. a horse. or anv obiect of nature. This is the best wav to teach Indian children." 1t ia tme that 6 shdw an object and thenteaeh The Indian children are +ell adaptid to music and singkg, Their vo<cees are strong 47a |