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Show 1 REPOBT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. 57 Sioux Solamon ............. CTeorgeP.PbiILips .......... Henr C.Dunagan ......... char& C. Maryott ......... Josiah M. Sumner .......... Winlield S.Flende.2.'.s. .............. Ardent Saunsoci Joseph E.Blankiron ....... Benjamin Merriok ......... Arthur P.Fiacns. .......... Willism Barads. ........... Fa lord H Park ze&. D. yiaio..::::::::::: George Anderson. ......... Thoma8 R. Ashley ......... Milton Levering ........... D ~ iWd e lls ............... Harvey Warner ............ Henry Springer ............ Garrg 1'. Mprs ............ Joaeph Lvon ............... Reuben n. Cabney ......... doaeph A. Spainhonrd ...... Leasee. 0- BE~BVA'PION-(Ion- tinned. WlMiEBdGO BE8EBVATION. William Stansp ........... Samuel E.Niaon ........... George Harris .............. John J.Kello~g.. .......... St. Pierre Owen ............ John T. Wheeler ........... Edwin Sandberg ........... Charles Brenobman ........ John W.Albauph .......... Jamea W. Boyd ............ Albert S. Wendell .......... $166. W 213.15 80.00 24.80 43.06 ao. 06 '20. 00 20.00 303.93 16.55 24.80 30.00 23.80 144.00 363.58 220.85 446.84 320.00 140.00 120.00 82.64 20.00 5.03 320.00 150.00 8.71 20.00 40.00 603.20 48.00 1.601.44 419.73 158.62 133.08 68.74 20.00 15.37 Aorea. The Annual Report for 1896 mentioned one five-year lease for farm ing purposes on the Omaha Reservation and one five-year lease on the Winnebago Reservation, from March 1,1896. The first is in favor of Mrs. Rosalie Farley, a member of the Omaha tribe, for 12,002 acres, at the annual rental of $6,001.09 for the first three years and $9,001.03 for the remaining two years. The other is in favor of Nick Fritz, for 2,240 acres, at an annnal rental of $1,120 for the first three years and $1,680 per year for the remaining two years. Uintah Valley Reservation, Utah.-One mineral lease has been approved for ten years from November 26, 1898. Description of tract leased: A11 that part of the Uintah Reservation lying south of the Strawberry River, west of the first guide meridiau, and south of the first standard parallel south, in Wasatch County. The lessees are allowed two years in which to select definite tracts and file maps of definite location. The mining privileges granted by this lease extend to and include only elaterite, woertzelite, gilsonite, asphaltum, and mineral wax. The consideration to be paid by the lessees is one-twentieth of each of the first two mentioned minerals and one-fifteenth of each of the last three. On the following reservations no additional leases have been made during the past year: Crow, Mont.; Kiokapoo, Kana.; Osage, Kaw, Ponca, and Otoe, Okla.; Shoshone, Wyo., and Eastern Shawnee, Ind. T. --ArEp Leaa88. W L . A B 0 Bm%BaVATrIW-continued. -- |