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Show ALLOTTED LANDS. Since the date of the last annual report the following leases of aUot-ted lands have been approved: Cheyenne and Arapaho Agency, 0kla.-One hundred and thirty-six farming and grazing leases. The length of term is generally three years. The consideration paid the allottees at this agency is low, rang-ing from 15 cents to 78 cents per acre per annum. Chippewa. Reservation, Xi-One bnsiness lease for the term of five years. The consideration is $102 per annurn for 51.25 acres. Crow Creek Agency, S. Dak.-Two grazing leases, covering 360 acres, for the term of one year. The consideration is $36, or 10 cents per acre. These lands are to be used as a grazing pasture for the stock of the Industrial Boarding School. Green Bay Agency, Wis.-One farming lease for the term of fifteen months. The consideration is $120 for the full term, or $2.40 per acre per annum. This land is to be used for the purpose of teaching prac-tical agriculture to the Indian boys of the Oneida school. Thirteen farming and grazing leases have been executed upon which no aotion has beau taken. Nez Perce Agency, Idaho.-Fiftyone farming and grazing leases and 26 bnsiness leases. The terms are from one to three years for farming and grazing leases and from one to five years for bnsiness leases. The consideration ranges from 30 cents to $2.50 per acre per annum for farming and grazing lands. The prices paid for bnsiness leases range , from $30 per aunum to $240 for towu lots, located in Lapwai and Spaulding, Idaho. Twenty-three farming and grazing leases and 4 business leases have been execnted upon which no action has been taken. Omaha and Wiehago Agency, Bebr.-Ninety-six farming and grazing leases on the Omaha Reservation and 153 on the Winnebago Renerva-tion. The term is generally three years, but some are for one and two year periods. The prices range from 25 cents per acre for grazing land to $2 for the best farming lands. For average farming lands mhere small improvements have been made the prevailing price is $1.25 per acre. Eleven leases from this agency have been executed upon which no aotion has been taken. Ponca, Pawnee, etc., Agency, Oklahoma-Two hundred and sixty-four farming end grazing leases and 1 business lease on the Ponca Reserva-tion and 106 farming and grazing leases on the Pawnee Reservation. They are generally executed for the term of three years, but some are for oue year and two year periods. The prices range from 25 cents per acre per anuum for grazing lands to $2 for the best farming lands. In the majority of cases the lessees are to place certain improvements on the lands, such as fences, etc. This is in a,ddition to the cash considera-tion. The bnsiness lease is for five years. The consideration is $6 per |