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Show this office to the Department for approval December 9,1898. Thenext day it was approved and patent for the allotted lands was issned March 28,1899, and was delivered to Black Tomahawk by the agent April 21, 1899. The agent was instructed to put Black Tomahawk in possession ol the lauds patented to him which were being occupied by Mrs. Waldrou: but an order was issued in chambers by Judge Loring l3. (faffy, ol Hughes County, S. Dak., restraining the agent from carrying thesc instructions into efect. Steps were taken to dissolve the i~~junctiou, but it is not known whether such action has been successful. It appears that Mrs. Waldron has instituted actiou in the circuit court of Hughes County whereby she "seeks to have her ultimate rights in and to the land in controversy betweeu her and Black Tomahawk determined, and to have the patent issued to him inure to her use and benefit." The present status of the oase is not known to the Office: but the district attorney has been instructed to look after it. IRRIGATION. 'Fort Hall Reservation, Idaho.-The aflairs of the Idaho Canal Com. pauy are still in the hands of a receiver, and the canaI has not been completed. Jnly 1, 1899, Agent Warner transmitted to this office a certified copy of the order of the district court af the fifth judioial dis. trict of Idaho, made on June 19, 1899, authorizing the receiver to ente~ into a contract for the oompletion of the canal oo the reservation. Thc agent stated that Mr. Samuel J. Rich, the present receiver, seems desir, I ous to complete the work, but that it is difficult to tell whether he is in earnest. Mr. J. H. Brady, who is largely iutereuted in the company. I has reoently expressed a desire for a personal interview on the subject, I Crow Reservation, Mont.-July 7,1899, Inspector W. H. Graves sub. I mitted to the Department an agreement, concluded by him June 23, I 1899, with the Grow Indians for: the comple.tion of their irrigation sys tern, which agreement was negotiated by him under the following proviso in the Indian appropriatioq act approved March 1, 1899 (3( Stat. L., 947) : I ~raid' edT, hat with the eonsent of the Crow Indians i n Montana, to he ohtainei in the usual way, the Secretmy of the I n t~r i oirn his disaretian may use the an nu it^ money due or to hooorne dae said Indians to oomplete the irrigation system hereto, fore oommonoed on said Crow Indian Reservation. The agreement was as follows: We, the undersigned adult mal; Indiana of the Crow tribe, residing on the Cma Indian Reservation in the State of Montana, do hereby consent and agree that thl Seoretsry of the Interior may, in his discretion, use the annuity money due or tc heoolqs due said Indians to oomplete the system of irrigation ditohea heretofon coramenced on said Crow Reservation; and that the mount of the said an nu it^ money to he so naed shall he whatever sum that may he found necessary, in thl judgment of the Secretam of the Interior, to fully complete the said ditches. It i r also further agreed that the Secretary of the Interior may, in his discretion, pay tht whole or an1 part of said annuity money so used from the grazing fund, or an7 otbe |