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Show 'Say It With Flowers from MILLER'S FLOWERS 10 East Broadway Wasatch 3030 ELLISON'S FLOWERS 50 East So. Temple Wasatch 2730 n Be Real "Utah Men" Buy Meats and Groceries from Home-Owned RED & WHITE STORES College Men from Utah with Three Markets of Quality WM. WOOD & SONS "Where the Meat Is Tender" 1085 East Ninth South 1260 East Fourth South 1604 Princeton Avenue The COVER on this book is the product of an organization of specialists whose sole work is the creation of unusual covers for School Annuals, Set Books, Histories, Catalogues, Sales Manuals and other Commercial Publications THE DAVID J. MOLLOY CO. 2857 North Western Avenue CHICAGO Do You Know Any Who- -laugh in the same silly manner as Betty Richardson? -chew gum like our friend Donna Ben- nion: -are as insane as Mugs Callahan? -know less about life than the Pi Phis? -ever dated an Alpha Delta Pi? -dance like Cuddy Nielson? -pose for the gals like Milksop Covey? NEITHER DO WE. Bulletins The Sigma Chi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi met with the brothers from Logan and Provo. They are getting almost as bad as the Pi Kaps. Sigma Nu announces the arrival of a new pledging outfit. The bag is not a sack and the club resembles a baseball bat. The Phi Delts were to have had a party at the house this year but the}' couldn't get Fisher to move his brothers out long enough to clean up. Stewed and Bum There's a story told in college of a darling little scholar, pink of cheeck and flushes with knowledge, in a size eleven collar; full of texts and grinding always, with a fine enlightened brow; but alas that story's ancient for such fellers aren't now. Rather have we students of a more developed kind, long on mirth and mabe muscle, just as short and weak in mind. So we may complete the cycle, for it is a c}rcle finished; where it started, where it ended, unincreased and undiminished. Bum thou art, to bum returnest, quoth the poet in his raving; and the poet had the goods despite the frailty of his paving. So in technique of the science let your contradiction come-for the stude is but the larva of a well developed bum. 369 |