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Show Freed Sorenson Army Swimming Team Sperry Erdman Rosen Evans SWIMMING Swimmers clad in R. O. T. C. tank regalia carried the Army colors to the front in the intramural aquatic joust. Sigma Chi came second, while Pi Kappa Alpha and Sigma Nu finished in the order named. The militarists made a clean sweep in the 20-yard free style event, placing For-bush, Sorenson, Erdman, and Rosen. Holt of Sigma Nu surprised by winning the 20-yard back stroke in the creditable time of 13 seconds. All other events saw the powerful Army squad well represented. HANDBALL Sigma Chi won the handball tourney for the second successive year after a hard fought tilt w i t h the Kappa Sigma tossers. Gubler was the o n 1 y Kappa Sigma entry to win a match for his team. Army and Sigma Pi teams came close, but they were hardly in the running with the two placing teams. The lone handball court was kept busy for three weeks while the tourney progressed. HORSESHOES "Barnyard Golf" received its just desserts in way of patronage when fifty-two men, representing the various interested groups on the campus, took to the courts in the fall meet and an even larger group in the spring series. The skilled Ne Plus Ultra waiters nosed out Phi Delta Theta men in an airtight exhibition of shoe-tossing, 3-2. Sigma Pi came third, being trailed closely by Pi Kappa Alpha. In the spring tournament, the Pi Kaps, Phi Delts, Tillicums and Bees reached the semi-final round; but inclement weather interrupted play, relegating the matches too far into the quarter to allow for a complete account here. Sigma Chi Handball Team Davis Welch Pearson 241 |