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Show my" 26 »,~ <.. ,, tau-icii‘l""_%_.z.gle 'Tm'éwfl'fi'fi‘i". {t~..f,._.r - W, . <- SERIES or ANSWERS To POPULAR OBJECTIONS. 25; exclaimed againfl "wicked Miniflers for betraying their Country to the ungrateful, rebel Ame"imm, and have clamoured for Impeachments. OBJECTION IV. GRANTING on the other Hand, that the A'me- ILL not the prefent War, now carried rz'mm fubmitted to pay thofe (luotas which the on with [0 much Rancour and Animo- Britiflz Parliament fhould require for the general Defence of the Empire-,~fiill this would be iity, prevent the Engliflz and the A'merz'mm from trading with each other in Cafe of a Separation, ANSWER I. It there be any Force in this Objection, the fooner a Separation {hall take only a pretended Submiflion, which would lalt no longer than while the Rod hung over them. For as foon as ever an Opportunity Ihould offer, they would immediately r: volt; and then we Place, the better; for nothing {hort of this can fhould have the fame Work to do over again, be a radical Cure. Suppofe, for Infiance, that the Britifl; Legiflature had yielded to the late Demands of the flmerican Congrefs, before they openly declared for abfolute Independence: That is, fuppofe they had granted, that the with greaterDiHiculties, and encreaied Expences.‘ flmtrz'mm fhould always enjoy the Rights, Pri- vileges, and Protections of Eflglzj/Ameiz, without being obliged to contribute a Farthing towards the ge teral Eypence z~ln that Call: the whole Brit/fix Nation would have been highly and jui‘ly incenfed againfi the Authors of fuch an Indeed the famous flmeriam Pamphlet, called Common Sea/e, hath put this whole Matter in f0 firong a Light, that more need not be laid on the Subjeét. Therefore in this fingle AfTertion, tho' in very few others, I entirely agree with the Authors, [fuppofed to be Dr. FRANKLIN and Mr. ADAMS] IT 15 TIME TO PART. Nay, every Man of every Denomination is {o thoroughly convinced, that the Colonies will and which mui't become independent one Time or other, that the only Point to be decided is,---at which would in Fact have made. A'mcrr'm the Severe/git", and Creahb‘rimin the fuly'afl and tritiutmy State. Time, or at what Juncture, can fuch a Separation be made with the molt Benefit, or, if you And then even the Mock-Patriots thetnlblves pleaie, with the leat‘t Detriment to the Mother would have changed their Notes, would have Country P And the Anfwer to this Enquiry is very obvious,---No Time like the Time prcjml. ANSWER C 2 iniu‘nous C0ncefiion,--a Concefiion, exclaimed |