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Show Fair Forever 52 I turn! Katie Lindstrom is standing to my right. Her smile is big and friendly and I search for the confidence I felt when we talked in the hall, but it has evaporated, like rain puddles jn high summer. She moves closer. "Looking for a calculator, too?" I nod and Katie hands over the one she's been holding. "This is the one you need," she explains. : . I look at the price and groan again. She grabs another, then blushes and says, "I need one, too."7 "No kidding? That's odd. Maybe we throw them away in our sleep, get rid of them in our dreariis." "Nice dream!" she adds, laughing, then she groans, "Have you looked at our algebra homework yet?", "Not yet," Ladmit. "That's why 1 need this." I point to the calculator. "Ugh! Me, too." She pauses. "I was wondering if you'd be riding the bus tomorrow. Maybe we could check homework." * I think for a minute. Hesitate. I'm feeling self conscious about my answer. "Do we ride the same bus?" \ :, : , She nods. Waits. "Guess I'll see how the morning goes," I say. "Well, if you decide to ride, get to bus stop early. I'm already on the bus when it stops at your comer, but a whole mob of kids climbs on there." I've noticed, but I'm wondering how she knows where I live. Of course, I'm the kid with the new heart, so maybe everyone knows. I try to think of something else to say. "I like your shirt," she offers finally. . < u - |