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Show Page Chapter 12.-Domestic and Industrial Water Supply Number and population of cities obtaining water from surface and ground water............176 Estimated industrial water use by major water-using industries, 1947.................178 Chapter 14.-Inland and Intracoastal Waterways Federal expenditures for river and harbor improve- ment.....................199 Commercially active river and harbor projects . . . .199 Mileage-cost scale developed for movements in the lower Mississippi Valley area of commodities moving in carloads or equivalent............204 Annual Federal costs, traffic in ton-miles, and average Federal costs per ton-mile, all rivers, canals, and con- necting channels reporting ton-miles, by waterway systems, 1946.................215 Chapter 15.-Hydroelectric Power Charges by private power companies to rural coopera- tives in Southeast and Northeast States......229 Charges by private power companies to rural coopera- tives in Southwest and West North Central States . . 229 Cost of wholesale electric power to rural electric co- operatives ..................231 Developed and undeveloped hydroelectric power in certain rivers of the Northeast and Southeast .... 233 Rates of return on average net electric plants (areas adjoining TVA)................235 Rates of return on average net electric plants (Pacific Northwest States)...............236 Page Potential hydroelectric power in the United States . . 241 Appendix 3.-Report of the Committee on Standards for Basic Data Basic socio-economic data requirements by types, functions, and stages of development.......333 Summary of major deficiencies in basic economic data needed for river basin planning.........366 Appendix 5.-Data Prepared by Committee on Domestic Water Navigation Projects and National Transportation Policy Comparison of traffic and Federal cost for selected waterways..................421 Summary and analysis of 15 major inland waterway projects for 20-year period, fiscal year 1929 through fiscal year 1948................425 Cargo.....................434 Domestic freight traffic in the United States by kinds of transportation...............441 Summary of interstate petroleum barge movements . . 441 Analysis of water-borne traffic on the Ohio River for 1948 and computation of savings.........442 Analysis of water-borne traffic on the Illinois waterway for 1948 and computation of savings on existing competitive rate basis.............443 Statement of selected commodity movements trans- ported on the Upper Mississippi River and connect- ing waterways during 1948, showing transportation costs and rates by water and railroad.......444 911609-5( IX |