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Show I' JOt P.NAl""" l't' '"' "'h1 to pl'ocecd on this HiOl'Jdng-. but 1hc ra:n con ,· l~tu!. ~tlHl tht: u \·u· sull remain•'d ·w~h; and '(~ e Lre t'Wl' .fore obliged to ic by. 1\ bo'tt noon one oft ite : mt-n '' ho bad gnnt• in the canoe, rctu~·nccl having- broke the io:-k of his gv1 : but the other tw" went on by lalld, .as t l1e c:;wdt~ ran so bib·h tha~ tho· could not po :::1hlr get the canoe along. About th( ·same tint<.: ~Wnlt: lndian:., in a canoe C'Hne up the ri n:1 , and t•,td stok11 a f:)g- fi'rJm the men ; but the ne "ho retur ned go~ it ft'C..lll them <lp'<l~ l l '"hen he t·ame up. I n tile e\enjn1>, Capt~\in Le·.ds '' ith ·1 men st. 1 '<.. d by land to s•.!c 1f .u:y '' l1itc pc. -1p . ..: ,yerc to be fow•c l. T he r~sl remained in cah\ 1>; and the weathet c,,nLHHled wd, a 1d the mo5t dis ~~;rce<\blc I hQ'' trcr ~~·l;n. Fn'rfc•J l :tlr. 'This morning- the wentl,.!r appe •. rd to S{:ltle and cle~r o{l', bu t the 1 i \"C I' remained 5till n:.:.h. So we were obb~ed to continue hete until about l o'cl<H k, w hen tl.e 'reaH er In came mot't ,·.tl nt, and\, e Ioach:d ~~Hd set oGt fLOtn om· <1i~a~reeal> e camp; 'H!T 1t about ~ mil<..s, '\ ht..n we came to tl'e ~~wuth of the liver, v, bete it <.mpties in to a hanJwn.~ ,, y. II ere '~ e halted on .1. sand bu-.cl., i'r..rmed a comto,·t:.tble camp ~~nd rern~jnecl in full ·1c w of th~ lfOJ~L'Hi, at th~ · t·me mo•·t. rag-i:1•r tl au }~<lcific. Ow c. . ,...., of the tw..> l' lell' ho L"st ·,, <:nt oct c mi.: :o tlS here, tl e other h·1d lOl:h.cl Ca~1L1in Lev i·/s p~ l't\'. La5t j • • nJ;~·ht tbc Indian.1 bad sto1t:l1 th .... ir ~· rms ,tm! n ·rouu·e· lncnts, but l'Ci-:tOl'<..:d thelil oa the arT.i\ :tl of C;.1ptain 1.e,,·is and his men i11 th<:: 1ncrni 1p-. Sa '1tn! 'Y 1 Gill. 1' 1-: \\ ·'- ~ a clc~~r moru;ng ar,d th~.. ·inc! pt·c..:t• >' b!~;h. ''; e could s <:; the '~'aYes, like ruall moulltains, rolling- 1ut in .. he o~ean: ~tlHl pretty ~ad in the ln, v. . JOURNAL. lG5 Cl!AP. XVL "\VE at·e no\V at the end of om· voyag·e, w bic'~-t h:.1s been comple tely accoPnplished accord ing t (;) t~1'! mtention of tbe expedi tion, the object of which Y1 d!l to discon.1· a passage by the way of the 1\!issoul'i an Columbia rive rs to the Pacif1c ocean ; not"lthst,md· ing the djfflcU I ties, p r ~ vations nnQ. dangers, w il ich w ~ had to en counter, cnclm·t and surmount. This morning 5 of the men wen t out to hunt; and about 3 o'clock all came in but one . T hey had kill ed 2 deer, 9 brants, 2 geese, 1 crane, and 3 clucks. T neday being clear we ·got all our "baf~age dried, and ir1 good oruer; and quie tly r ested until Capt. L ewis an~o1 his ptwty shoulcl rt.turn . Simday 17th. \ Ve had a fi ne plea!5ant cle ar morning, and 6 hunters went out. A~o ut noon the~ all came in; but the huntet· who remamed ant last nq;ht did not r e tnrn . He bnd killed 0 d~er and the oLlwr men bronrtht them in ,,1ith som<t b1<,~1ts an~ a dce t' they had [ ill ecl. About the same time Capt. L e\\ i~ and h i~ party returned. T 11ey h,\d been. round th...: L,\, ', and seen where white peo1le had be~ n m the col.ll'Se oi the summe r : but tltcy had all saikr1 awt\y. Cnptnin L ewis and his p~nty k illed a decl' and some br~mts. In the e ve'ling the remaining hnoter cam e in and had k illed ;mother cltl;l'. The re are but few I ndi<lns ~e ttlcd down abou t the sea~ h ot·e ; t 11Lir dress is similar to tlw t of some of those above. The women have ~ kine! of fri nge pe t~ ticoat c;, Blade of fi!.ttn ents or t n5sc..:ls o [ the whltc cc• at· b,tr·k w r·on~llt with a string at the upper p a rt, which is tied r o1111d the wai~t. T hese tassels or it·in .~e uy(j of some u s~ as a covering·, while the la<lk·!i |