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Show 98 JGtJRNAL .. Tuesday llth. A fine day. Captain Lewis and t out this mornmg to go to the moun-fo. u r menh 's c · d · , I tl t tams w lC1 1 '",, e had dtscovere towd a.i C bs 1e. we1s . 'rest of the party were engage 1"- urymg t 1e The d ~oods which had been left, and prepat•c baggage an 0 • in~ to itart the follGnvin~ mornmg. , JOURNAL. CHAP. IX. 1¥edneoday 12th. The morning was fine ; w~ Jet out fron1 the 1nouth of Maria's river, and wenL on very well. In the forenoon we passed 12 islands. At 1 o'clock th~ weather became cloudy and threatened rain ; at ~there was a light shower, and the day beca1ne~Iear. 'Ve passed three islands this afternoon and smne handsome bluffs on both sides of the river. We went 18 miles and encamped in a small bottom on the north side, where we killed Z elk and some deer. Thursday 1 Sth. 'V • set out early in a fine morning. Some dew fell last night. We passed a lat:g~ €reek on the south side, called Snow creek. The water of the river is very clear and the current very rapid. We passed a number of islands covered with timber ; but there is none to be seen on the hills oo either si<.le. \Ve went 14 miles and eneamped ~ the sonth side. Friday 14tli. \Ve embarked early, and the morning was pleasant. About 7 o'clock A. M. we passed ~place where Captain Lewis and his .men had killed two bears, and had' left a note directing us where to find them. About 2 one of Captain Lewis's men met: 1.1s, and informed us that the falls were about ~0 miles above ; and that Captain Lewis and the other three men, were gone on to examine what the distance was above the falls, befo-re we could take the water again. We went 10 miles and encamped on a small bottom on the south side. Satu'rday 15th. \Ve pt·oceeded on as usual, but lmd the most l'apid water, I ever saw any craft taken duOtJi.Jl.... At noen we stopped at the mouth of a · |