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Show 202 JOUHNAL. i:ritated ;=artdin L e'" i", ~ bat J1e strud\. h im ; which was tile !1L'St act of the kl!ld, t ha t bad h.tpjh.ncd c] 111 .... i r1g tbe t. X 1)~di: ilm. T ht: lndi.ms howt \'d' <tid not . I • • • resent lt, ott:11.;; t'W1se Jt I s JH',)b ~b l e n·e would h:.tvc bar: a :'kin ni.,!J \\ ith tLl' m. T .1i<; morni ng- we disposec: ot t1\o ._:.t!;o ·s ~me! used ar 1oLiH'1' foe f1ct'woorl. 1 \• 10 o'..Jo~i<_ w~ :Jet out fmm tbe ihst n,u r·ows wirh ~~ h'> r.:;e... fo ur 0 '-\.'11 <tJ 1d 011~ \Ve bono wed, and 2 c~Jloes all • J.t ied l:ea ,.y. I went wi t It tb r e-.: o th , t• mtn in the c.tn o~.:s, and had f::OnH.: d1 ~.ir u lty in passi ng- the shc1·t n ltTt \Is. About ;) in th~ a ft ~ l'lloun we ._1 l l'i , ~ct at t he •)" 1 ' (I L ~· t 1l ., o f (\} lun J 1J i-t, w h c: t·e \'1,' c ~ n.e t with c~ltJL-ti : t Clarke and the mcll th ,tt WL! I\ :! '''ilh him. Htl'c Wt.: ;;ot another hol'se; c~tni~d o~u· c ,moes u.nd bar; ~~lg"e roqnd the blls and halted for dinnet·. \Vc also got some dor;·s here and shapeleel, wl~ich we I • • fl Stl.>~lst on c!nc y at present. \V l! halted he1·~ two hours and then pt·occcdcd on ag-ain. The pon·ty that Went by Lmd had to leave the rivet· and take out to the hill :1 t)art. of the way. I crossc~l with tny canoe to the 5outh side where tbet·e is tlte best watet·, and passtd a larg-e l'ock island, opposite to which the ~ I ' I . fl . u .lO:·" 10-nc nvcr ows 111 ft·om the south. \Ve went ~n till d.ark aucl the_n run our sm..tll canoe !•rnonb some Willows, and laid down to slt!'-P· \V c di I not make any fire fot: f~<H' the sa\'ag-es, who at·e very nt~memtls along tlus part of th~ ri VLr, mig l•Jt come and rob ns. . Tue~duy '2 2lld. This was a pleasant n1or11irw and }ugh ~vllld. \ V c proceeded on about 3 miles,'"'v,ben the Wlnd became so viol<:nt, that we couJd not proecce!. any furth<;r, and halted <:~nd unloaded out ccJnoes. Hanng remained here two hours, the othel' cunoc c:un~ up, a~1d Wl:! proceeded on though the wind was l11gh aiHl tlvet· rou~h. ·At s:unset I crossed over·, Wnl.'re the p.u·ty g oing by lane! came in sight, and halted at n smd!l dllage oa the north side ; < b11 t the other C'1llOO ke.p.t on along the south~rn shor~. In • JOUI ·~AL. 203 the COUI'Se of this lay tWO rDOl'e horses Were procured, ;mel at this small v..illng\! we got some m ore dogs and shnpaleeL Wednesday 2 3rd. VI e l1ad a cloudy mol'ning·. 1 went also l>y water to day, and we had very Jaboriou3 work in getting along . 1 n the evening- we rnet the party at a Iarg·e villag ' of the \Val-Ja~W<lltz nation Oil the north siclt' of tbe r i ver ; wh..::re the the other canoe had also Hl'I'ivt:d. Here \Ve halted, unloaded the canoes and encampe<l. A . 1JOrse had got away lust night and could not be found. Thursday 24th. Tl1e Wt:ather was pleasant. \Ve lost another horee last night, and were detained ht:t'C this morning·, looking for him. We got six horses at th1s pJacc, three of which were bonowed from ~n IncPinn who was going- with his family along with us. " resold our two small canoes; and at noon ~m In dian who had gone to look fo1· the lost horse re turned with him. At 2 o'clock we all started by Janel on the north side of the ri ver, accompanied by several of the natives with tbeil' fumilics and horses. 'Ve entered the low country, the great and beautiful plains ofColumbia, and proceedl:!d on till evening when we encamped ,,t two m<\t~lodges of the natives, and g·ot two c1og s and some shapaleel. The nath·es who were trdvciling in our p <~ rty eilcamptd with us . .Pridu.IJ 2s t,~ . The moming was pleasant, and '\tc set C''Ut e<.rly. 1\t 10 o'clock we met a gre~t many {'f the natives on horseback, wl.o tumecl back with u ~. At noon we came ton very large band of tile \ 'Val-a '-'·;.lltz nation, tbe most numercus Wl' had seen on the Colu mbi.1 ; I su1)pos<.: it r on s i~ted of 500 persons, men, women, and cl1ilcl ren ; and all of th em tolerably weH clothed v,:i tb robes of the skins of t L~ d~er, the .ibex v l' big· horn ed "nimal and l>ufraioe. TIH.y h.lvc ct gn .. at many horses and l<t t<::Jy came to the rj \·er to hsh for salmo:1. \Ve halted here t;oto hon rs anc then '·'·ent on. T l1e n1cn in gtnen\1 complain of thdr feet |