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Show l I 8 JOURNAL. Fr-May 9til. \Ve set out at sunrise, and hnd :\ fine morning with eome dew; proceeded on till 9 o'clock ·when we halted fot' breakf,t~t. Here one of the hunters came to us who had been out since the mol'ning the canoes went up the north branch l>y mistake an~l . ' who had thnt morumg- preceded them by Jan<!. Here .also Captain Lewis and three men started to go on U· head; and at l 0 we proceeded on with the can0...., :~:~ . The river is n ~tnow and very crooked, and the val-ley continues about the same breadth. There is some tinuer on the mountain on the south side, ancl white earth or rocks <1ppcaring- through the pines. At noon we halted for dinner, and hauled out one of the canoes, which had sprung a leak and caull·ed h e t·. This morning ?ur c~mmanding· officers thought proper that the M1ssoun iLouid lose its name at tbe confluence of the three branches we had left on the 30th ultimo. 111c nonh branch, which we went up they call\!c1 J.E.FFEH.SON ; the west ot· middle branch: J\1Aurs?N ; th~ south b1·a~ch, abo~t 2 miles up which a beautlful spnnp; comes w, GALLATIN! and a small river· above the forks they cnllecl Phi!osoj :hy. Of th.:: 3. ~Jra nches 'i e had just left, they ca lled the north lVudom, t i1e sout l1 i'lli.'a;z,•fn·oj!y, and the west or micldl<..: folr k, which w~ continued out· voyage alonf)' re· ~ h ' tan cc th~.; nJ.me of JEFFERSON. \Ve went Jtf. miles und encamped on the sonth side. Our two hnntcr·s ki llc.cl Gut one ~ont. JO 1RNAL. ll!> CJ-!AP. XI. " Saturday 1 Otlz. VVe set out early in a fine mom· lng, and proceeded on through the valley, until breakfast time, when we came to a place where the river passes through a mountain. This narrow passage is not more than a quarter of a mile in length. At the upper end another valley commences, but not so wide as the one below. There is no timber in the lower end of this valley ; and the river very crooked, narrow; and in smne places so shallow, that we were obliged to get into the water and drag the caoocs along·. At 1 o'clock we halted to dine, when a showc1· of rain came on with thunder and lightening, and continued an hour, during· which some hail fell. Two hunters were out to day and killed but ont deer. VIe came 13 miles and encamped on the North side. Here the valley begin~ to be 1nore extensive. Sunday 11th. This nlorning was cloudy and we did not set out until after brcakfr.st. Three hunters were sent out ~nd we proceeded on about 3 miles, when we came to a large island, which is 3000 miles from the river DuBois at the mouth of the l\1issouri. ~re therefore called it ~WOO mile Island. We took up the South side of it, and had difftculty in passing the water bdng shallow. About 2 some rain fell.Our hunters killed 3 deer and a goat. \Ve went 14 miles and encamped on the North side . .Afonday 12th. We proceeded on at the usual time, and three hunters were again sent out. A few drops ofrain fell to day. Our hunters killed 4 deer; and after muking 12 1niles we encamped on the North side. Tuesday 13th. A cloudy n1orning. \Ve set out |