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Show JOURNAL. Some hunters went out, as lfe saw some elk ~ign::. l1ere, and our meat is exhausted. \V e still have a t!ood stock of roots, which we pound ancl make thick :~oup of, that cats very well. In the evening our hm1ters came in but had not killed any thing. On the south side of this ridge there is summer with ,.r:1ss nnd other herbage in abundance ; and on the ~ortb side, winter "ith snow six or eight feet dee11. Sunday CJ.9l!J. There wus a foggy morning. 'Vc ~et out early, proceeded over some bad hills, and came to the old path ; at which time there was a shower of rain, with hail, thunder and lightening, that lasted about an hour. At 10 o'clock we left the snow, and in the evening we arrived at the warm spring; where we encamped for the night, and most of us bathed in its water. One of our hunte1·s killed a deer " ·here we dined at the glades or plains on Glade creek ; and where there is good grass, and co.m-mas also rtrows. Two other hunters went Qn Q ahead ::: ncl k i lied a not her deer on the way. /tionduy 30!/J . 'Vc continued out· march early and Lad a fine morning. 'Vbcn we were re~cly to set out, we saw a clccr coming to a lick at the hot ~pring-. and one of our hunters £hot it. ·rwo hunters wen t on Hhend. At noon another went out a short time, ~ncl killed a fine deer. Vi e lwltccl for dinucr at the ')~ me place, '' hL'l'l! we dined on the l2Lh of Sept. : S05, ns we passed over to the 'V estern ocenn. Af' cr dinner we proceeded on, and on ou1· \ray fonncl , hrcc deer that one of the h tlntcrs had killed ~nd left fot· us. In the evening we arrived at Trmellcrs'-rcst creek, where the party rested two days bst f<' ll, and where it empties into Fltlt!Jcad (called Clarke's) rivet·, ~ ){~c>.utiful ri,·er about one hundred yards wide at this place; but there is no fish of any consequence in it; ~nd accordinrr to the Indian account, tl~·re r;rc full~. •.J en it, between thi~ place Rnd its nwuth, where it empties 1ntu the Colu.n1bia, six or sen!n hundred fu:t high; and coming up. hu11lers. JOURNAL. ·which probably prevent the fish frmn Here we encamped and met nith the Tuesday l.~t July, 1806. \Ve had a fine n1orning, a HI remained here tr> rest ourselves and hor~es aft~r the se,·e1·e fatigue of coming· over the mount,1ins, and ~•o me hunters wc.:nt out. Tne Indians still continue "ith 115. II ere the party is to be separated ; some of ns at·c to g;o straigh t across to the falls of the 1\Iissouri and some to the head waters of Jefi'et·son rivt!r, where we left the canoes. At the falls we e}.pect to be subdivided, as Capt. Lewis, myself and four or five men intt.'\ld to go up Maria's river as far as t11C 50th degree of lalituclc ; and a party to rcmLlin at the falb to prepare harness and other things necessary for hJuling; out· canoes and baggage ov<.:r the pol't,.f!·e.Pcrhaps Capt. Clarke, who goes up the l'ivcr here, m3y also take a party and go tlown the H.idcre Jaune, cr Ydlo\v-stone river. ln the ctfterl\oon our bunttrs c::1me m. and had killed twelve deer, most of them in good orde1·. 1Yedllesda1J 2nd. We continued here durin.; tl,;s cbv, which was fine and pleasant, fixin~ ou r lo:uling· an~l mnki11g othct· alT<mgements for our sepc~rati01 •. One of oui hun ttl'S went out and killed t\vo <1-.:u·.Tbe mw;r1uitoes are ver·y trouLlcsome at this ph\c'·. u ~ |