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Show JOURNAL. CHAP. XVIllo.. &:zturday ht .Afarcn, 180G •. vVe hari a cl<Juciy wet morning. I set out with 8 nH:n and 4 lnmtt:rs to bring the meat of the dk that had been kiilt:rl. which was at a greatel' distance from the i(H·t tha~any we had yet brought in. There is a large river that flows into the sgutheast part of Hai1ey,s Bay; upon which about 20 miles from its mouth, our hun .. ters discovered falls, which had ubout 60 feet of a. perpendicular pitch. Sunday 2nd. This day was also wet. The fishing" party returned at night, and brought with them some thousands o£ the same kind of small fish , we got from the natives a few days ago, and also som~ sturgeon. The Tndian name of the river we were up ye~teru <lay is Ki1-hou-a-ne~k-kle, and that of the small rivtr which passes the fort Nc-tul. 1 . J,fonday 3rd. It rained ali this day and the follm-ving. Our sick men are gettin-g better, but ~lowly, as they · have little or no suitable nou rishment • . 1'Vednesday 5th; About 12 o'clock last night the ram ceased, and we had a fine mo:·ning . A number of the natives visited us ; and at night our hunters returned, but had killed nothing. Thw·.s·day 6th. Our stock of provfsions being nearly exhausted, 6 men Wel'e sent out in tliffer·cnt directions to hunt; and three more were sent to endeavour tG pro-cure some fish, as the natives take a great number or the small fish about 20 miles distant frorr1 the fort by water. Some men were alsQ employed in rep<:irinr; the canoes that we may be abte to set Otitt on our reh111l· imme9J.ately, should our hunter-s- be: unsu~cL':96fu~~ J'OUR~AL. The c'ik, a1mo<>t t he only game in this p·lrt o'i t~ e toanu-r, art.; c, ,j._ Hy gone to the nwunt .. ,ins. This dc1r co-utirtiH.:d t\ir throngltout. Fridwt 7 th. T i, i-; was a wt:t mO!·ning, and some ahowers. fell occusiondily durin~· tl.~ ch..y. .i\moug out· othcl' difficu lties we now experitnce the Wi:lllt of tobacco, and out of 33 pe rsons com posinf. <•ur part. y , t here are but 7 who do not make use of it : .' " e· U!le crob-tree bark as a &ubsthute. ln the eYt:mng-one 0f our hunters rame in and had kil icd an elk a consiclcl'ablc distance off. Sa·urdau 8th. Some sn<,w fell labt J,is ht, ancl the morning ~vas ~tormy and rlis.\gre<::<.blc. About 9 o'rlock another of ou1· hunters came in, \' ho had killed 2 elk ; and after S(nne time the 1 [:ffit'linin.g three, h..tving killt:d bu t one deer, unci !ost thtl~ canoe. Sunday 9!1z. This morning 10 m en Yrent out t.o hunt. Th~1·e were some light ~bowers cf snow thi!t forenoon, but during- the gre<::.kr part of it the ~U ll shone cle.1r and .warm. In tbe afterueon borne of the tl cttives came to vi ~it us, and brought some of the small fish, which they t:all Ulkt.n. T \vo bun~trs came !n in the evening, but had not killed any thnf;. The men sent to fish are still absent, owing p<:J L.1pa to the hig-h swells in the bay. The lndi· ns rtnl~linccl in the fort all night. . On the 10th we had chnnge<.ble weather, With snow s howers-.. At noon twu more Lunters went out. Tucsda1J t lth. The weather lras nearly the snn1e· as yesterday. Three men wt:nt acr·oss th; bay in u canoe to hunt. T'.\'O other hunters came m but had killed not hing. At noon om~ fishes nH n . n :turned with some ulk.en and stu1·p;con.. The mol mng of the 12th was pl<:asant; but tow c:~ rds the evenin~~ tht dn:,r. ~..::anl't! cloudr. Another lnwtcr w~nt-cm. |