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Show .. JOURNAL .. Hlednesday 29th. At 8 o'clock last night a stor-m of wind and rain came on from the N. west, and the rain continued the greater part of the night. The morning was cloudy with some thunder. We aro generally well supplied with Catfish, the best I !laV(} ever seen. Some large ones were tal~en last n1ght .. In the afternoon the men who had gone to the Indian camp returned and brought with them sixty Indians of the Sioux nation. They encamped fo1 the evening upon the opposite shore, and scme corn and tobnc~o were sent over to them. The sergeant who had rrone to th~ir camp informed me that their 0 • • ' lodges, forty in numbet·, are about nme m1.Ies from the l\iissonri on the S.:lcqne river. They are made of dt·ess'.!d buffaloe and elk skins, painted red and \\ hitc, and are very handsome. He said tbe women art homely and mc,stly old ; but the young men likely and active. They killed a. dog as-a token of friendship. 0He of out· men killed a deer. 'I~w rsday 30ch. A foggy morning, and heavy: dew. At nine o'clock the Indians came over the ri ver. Four of them, who were music?ans~ went backwards and forwal'd~, through and round out· carr: p, singin3' and m,ttdng; a noi~e. After that ceremony was over they all S.tt in council. Captain L ewis and Captair,}. Clarke made five of them· chie.r~, and g·ave them some sm::dl presents. At clark C<tptain Le·wis gave tlten1 a g rained deer· skin 'to stretch oYer a half kt'g for a drum. \Vhcn that W<IS ready they aJl assembled round sonu~ fi re'l made for tiH.; purpose : two of them beat on th...: drum, and son1e of the rest had little bags of undressed skins d ri <::d, with beads or s rnall pebbles in them, ' ith w Lich t;}ey made a noise. These are their in 3truments of musick. Tc.:n or twelve acted as musicians, while twenty or thirty )'oung men and boys engaged in the dance, which .-was continued during the night. No Squaws ma~lc their appearnce among tbis party. .. JOURNAL. 33 Friday 31st. A clear morning. The lnc.lians remained with us all day, and got our old Frenchman to stay and go with t ;1ei1· clttef to th~ city of vV~\shington. Some of thetn hau rllun.d their necks stnng~ of the white bear's claws, some of the daws thre<:: inches long. \ |