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Show 1~ 1 JOORN.AI... were t11e11 sent baok, And we continued out march along a ridge, where there are rocks, that appeat{ to be well calculated for making millstones · and so.me beautiful tall cedars among the spruce' pine, N1ght came on before we got off this ridge and we l1ad much difficulty in findini; watet·. Th'e soil on the western side of the mountains appears much better than on the east ; and not so rocky. \Ye can see the valley ahead, but a great way off. Satm·day 2lat. The morning- was pleasant; but it was late before we got our horses collected. About 10 o'clock we were r eady to start ; and passed fl. long the rid g·e \vith. a g reat d.cal of difficulty and fati gue, out· march bcmg much Impeded by the fallen timber. A g t·ea-t portio~ o!' the. timber \'ht·ou.gh which we passed along th1s nclge 1s dead, and a con siderable part fallen ; and our horses a rc weak and much jaded. One of them got into a small swamp, and wet a bale of merchandize. About 4 o'clock in the afternoon we got down the mountain to a creek which runs nearly so uthwest. This cour se we sup{)ose is a very g~od one fo r· us. \ Ve went down this c r·eek about a tmle, and encamped on it for the night in a small rich bottom. Here we kille d a duck and two or t hree p heasan ts ; and supped upon them and the las t of our horse m eat. \ V e also killed a woJ [ and eat it. The hunte rs did not join us this evenino· nor the two m en W1l 10 went to look for the horse. " ' ~unday 22nd. T his was a fine warm day. About 9 o clock We contwued our rout over a ridge about a 'West com·se, upon the top of \v hich th ere is a handsome s.mall prail'ie ; where we met one of out• hunte, J·~ Wllh a supply of routs, beLTies and some fi sh, WaJ~ch he procure,i fmm anothet· band of the Flat head natton ?f Indians. Capt~in Cbrke and the huuters had arrtved o.n the 20th at the e 9camprn ent o t· lodges of these Inch~ms which are in a beautiful prairie, al>out 8 or 9 m1lcs froln this place. The roots they JOURNAL. 141 \lSC are t'tl.ade int0 a kind_ofbt·ead; whi~h is good and Ul.1· ..,11in n- and tastes like that sometlnH.:s m ade of no '" "' . . l . 1 pumpK' 1· 1~•5 · We rem·•n ned here abo. ut an wu r .mt then pt·oceeded on C~ g~tin, dowu the .nd g~ alot~ g a v TY r ough way: and in the.cn:ning atTJve~l m a fi ne la.rgc , ·alley , clear of th<.:se cl1s1n.d and hornble m?untam5. Here our two men o vertook us; who had found the lost horse and clot h in~, but on their w a ~ to us lo~t hoth the horses. The I n<.liM'IS bdon gm12; to t ltiS b uncl rc <'etved us kindly, appeared p le.,sec\ to see us; a ,d ~·an. us sur: h p i'O Yi s ions as they had . . \ V t " ~.·re at a Yoss for an inte rpreter, none of ou.t· H~tcrprete t &. b··ino· able to u n.l e rbt.tnd t l1em. Ca pt.•tn Clarke met u; h~ re: he had b, ·en over a t the ri,·er, a.n:J fonnd t :1e cli.;tance 18 1nilt s ,me\ a g;o0d road from tms P)·tr e. lle thinks we ~ ill b·;;! .~bh: to ta ke the wate r· ag.tm at the place he h . .;.d been .. t ; ;.,nd ': ht= t_'e h ~ left 5 b un t.e~~i as the re was some ~ · ·1 11 <:> ~bo 11 t t ile nvet· Ill th ,\t qn.ttle t . flfo1u/uy '...31·d. T he mot u i n~ '1-\'ctS " arm and .P.lca· s .mt. \V c st ~1 yed he re somt' t", J1'1 ·· 1 1 procure p ro ~Iswn s from the u ~.ti vcs , for which \\'C g,.ve tl em 1 ~1. ex· ch ,m ~~e a nu rn be t' o.f sma ll aniclt:s. rhe pro n ~ wns w il ir h we got con<,1sted o f ro(H~, bredd ,tlld fi..,h .:-T hur bread is m .ule of 1 ooL wh1ch they Ci11l com,\s, (tnd which re st:mhle ottion-:; in s ha!)e. but are of a swed tu-;te. · 1· LJ· 'i b t'e ,H 1 ·1 ~ m 1n u f .tl·. t l 11' e cl b Jv. "" '' e am· i np·, pounding .~ n cl lnk i n~ t i1e roots on a k1 ln they ha~·e for the p u r pose . About 4 o' clock '' e reu c w~<l out' jou rney , and wen.t.2 n.1iles ~o. an?thc,t: . ~n a il ',tt .. Ll trl' tltt·ouglt a bLau uful r h:h ptal•1, H1 "' 1Jlcb t hese rt1o0 l s' g row ·i n al.Hllltl;tnce. , ,, e 1· a1l e d a t .t .h e second ' ilhtge all ni~ b l and ~?l ~orne, 11lOl'e proviSions. A· Lout dark a shower of l'<tlll f,~ ,J. T uesday 24th. T he tnorning was nne, and about nint o'c lock ' ' c set forward on out· ma:·ch towards the ri' c r , ::1ll but one man wl1o hacl ~;on e ~ack to lo?k fur the horses and an othci· t hat h ad re rnamed at ~ n e fi rst ,·i!ltlge. T b~ mu'1 ate gent: t·aily uuweU, vWlll~ |