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Show JOUHNAL. lmt in the evet1ing the weather cleared up, ancl !. btgan to freeze hard. This is the fi_rst freczin~ "emhLl of any cons quencc we have had clnring the "inter. Alonday27Lh. This was a clear cold fro ty morning; and the snow about 9 inches deep. \\'here the '-till shone on it during the day, a con:siderable quautity of it melted ; but these place3 were fL w, as the 'rhole face of the country near this is clo~eiy CO\'t.red with fir timber. In the afternoon a hunter came in ~nd informed us that the party he hud been with h<h! killed 10 elk. Tuesday 28th. A dear cold morning, and the weather continued cold all day. About half of our men were employed bringing home meat ; and it was found a very cold uncem fort<liJl~;; busines'i. The two me:1 who lately went to the s~tlt works n.:· t urned with a snull supply. TVedncsday 29th. \Ve had a eold cleat· morn1ng; and the clay contilluerl clear throu~hont. On the 30th the weather was cloudy ; and not so cold as the dar before ; and some snow fell. J?r~·day 31st. This was a clear cold mol'ning.Sevcn of us went t p the 5mall rb'el' in a canoe to l1unt ; but after ,,.. e had gone a mile, we were stopped by the ic~ unci had to return to the fort. One of the n1en at the salt works had been out hunting, ami killed an elk; and calkd at the fort for men to as~ist him in w.king the meat to their cmnp. Saturday Ist Fc:b. 1806. V\T e had a fine clear cold m<?1·ning. A numbet· ofthe men went out to bring :meat to the fm·t, aud to take some to tbl:! salt WQI'ks Swzday 2nd. The morning was pleasant and the y,·eather n1ore moderate. About the middle of the day it btgan to thaw and in the evening to rain. ~.orne of our n1en were engaged to day bringi1lg in 111ore meat. JJ1~nday 3rd. Some light 5howers of rain fell in the · c.Ofirse of last night ; and thiti day is still bOlllCr'·hat • JOUR1~AL ··el .ll1U clouJy. One o{ our hunters came in, wh~ ~,\ll killed seven elk, and returned with a p arty and , ,,noe to hrinp; in the me tt. \Ve are fcrtunate in ~.,etting as much meat as we can eat; but we have: ¥JO other kind of provisions. Tuesday 4th. This was a fine cleat· n1orning. Last ~l1oht the men, who had gone to carry the meat t(, \ i1e salt" orks, returned and brought us a bushel of ~alt. This day countinued throughout clear ann pleas:tnt; and the 5th was a cleat' cool cby. One of eur hunters c~me in, who had killed 6 ell·. Thursday 6i/;.. \Ve had a cool fair 1norninr._·, Ten of us started wlth a canoe to bring in the meat of the elk, killed yesterday ; and had to encamp out a11 night bnt with the assistance of the elk skins anrl our blankets, we lodged pretty comfortable, thougl1 1he snow was 4 or 5 inches deep. Friday 7th .. The morning was fair, and all hand!> engaged bringing in the meat ; we got son1c to the iort ; but myself and part of the men had again to rnc·:nnp out. It rained hard and we had a (Usa~r·eea· bh: ni~ht Saturday 8t!J. About noon there were showers of ra1n and Jiail. Some of the hunters killed 4· more elk ~nd we got all the n1cut sr~fe to camp in the evemng. s~mday 9t/z.. \Ve had a fine morning; but in the ~ours~ of the day we had sometimes sunshine, and and sometimes showers of rain. One of our hunter$ (aught a Leaver. JJfonday lOth. A light snow fell last night, ancl t~1c morning was pleasant. In the afternoon two men came from the salt work-;, with infonnation t!ut twc otbers ,,.ere sick and .1 third h..td cut his knee so b'tdly be conld scarcely walk. . Ta"sdm1 l l th. This was a fine morning. A ser Jeant anu six men were sent to bring the sick men to he fort. At the san1e time n1yself and two met\ |