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Show 134 JOURNAL./ was k\·ri along the y,tlley. Having· tni ~l.lecl 20 m1·1 e-s., w. cue unped ~md our It tll ters c ame m, one of whC'm had killc:~ a dee.!', t.tnd ~not 11 er 1J .',c 1 c~mght t \,/ 0 II.,. ..: !'' ,' "v ·' tJ'• d ·' 1 colt, wh1ch• he broug h• t with h1m. .fllcnday 9·11. The t"?ornmg- was fan·, .but co?l; and \\ C cor.tinuecl our JOUrtl ·y clown the nver. 1. he sui! oi t:le ,· . .il-:·y is J!OOl' and ~ra.'·eii~; and the lu~h 5110,1 · lcpped ntountauls are still 1n vtew on our ld~ : 0Lll' Cr'l.ll'~e rrttH!l'c.dly llOI'th U few degree:; West. \\1 (! Jwited <~t no~n: on our way the l:untcr:') !1acl kill ed 5 wi!d geese; so we have plent~ of provbwns at pre- sent. At 2 o'clock we ag:.1m wellt fonrard, and crossed over the Flathead river, ~bout l 00 yards '\vide, and which we called Cl,trke\ l'iver ; passe4 throuo-h a close timbered bottom of about two miles, and ag<.~in came in.to be~utiful plHins. !he tim?er on this bottom is pitch pme. 'Ve travelled 19 mtles ~nd encamped on a large creek, \~hich cor;tes in from the south. Our hunters tlus day killed 3 deer. Tuesday 1Oth. VVe remained here all this clay, which was rlc.:ctl' rtnd pleasant, to let our horses rest, ;>.nd to t~kc an observation . At nig·ht out· hunters came in, and had killed 5 deer. VVith one of the 1nmters, 3 of the Flathead Indians came to our camp. They ill formed us that the rest of their band was ovet· 011 t he Colurnbia ri\·er, about 5 or 6 days' jour· ney disbtlt, with pack-horses ; thC\t two or the Snake nation h ad stolen some of thc:it· hot·ses, and that they were in pur:mit of them. vVe gave them some presents, and one stayed to .go over t.he mou~tains with us; the other two contmued their pursmt. ?Veduc .• day I I th. This was a fine mortling, and we went out to collect our !JOrses, in order to renew our joUt :1 ..; \· , and iound all but one. Capt. Lew~s had a meril1iau· altitude thdt t;~we 46° 48 28 .8 not'th latitude. In the bottoms here, there are a g-reat quantity of ch .. r ;·i r:s. The mountains are not so high, as JOURNAL. 135 r.t some distance b~1c~.:.. At 4 o·clock i !l i.hc 1fternoon the horse was foun d, awl \ 'VC proceeded on up the cre<:k ne;wl y a west c:ou~·sc, th rough small bottoms. '\Ve went a bout 6 miks and encampul; when ou; bunters cam t; in but hatl l\iHed nothi1:g. The country is poor and mou ntuinoL;s. Thur8day l '2ti1 . \ Ve stnrtcd ~ady on o ~i i· jou t'il"Y and h4ld a fine 1r.o rning-. H aving travd led :2 m i!cs we r eached the mCim1 t -.~i n s which are n.ry Skep; but the road over thew pn~ tty good , as it is 1 uch t ravelled by the 1Mtiv<:-.;, who come « cro~ s to t l-:e Fbthead river to ;.;·atiJ <~ t· cherrie" and bct'J i~..s. O t~ .· !Juntet·s in a s lwl't time kiiled 4- dee l'. A t noon " ~ bdted rtt a br<1nch of the cr..:ek, on the ba r1ks vf ·.•:i. is h ate <:\ number of str£"~ wbuTy ' i nt s, ha .,n~ . a:1d set ' :c,, bt:ny bushes. At 2 we p:·occLd'::: cl on e ver a L1 ~·~,~ .mountain, where there 1"' no water, and \\ e C!J de! l: n. l no pl&ce to encamp until h1te at ni g ht, whc!1. we. :\i'rired at a small branch, and encamped by 1t, lll a very inconvenient place, havin~ come 23 miles. Friday 13t/;. A cloudy nwming. Capt. Lewis's hor~c could not be found; but some of the men were left to hunt fo r hit ~ nnd we proceeded on. YV hen we had gone 2 miles, \-'re came to u most bea utiful wann spring, th€ \Vater of which is conbidera~)l>: ab?'·e blood-he•tt; and I cou!d not bear my hand m 1t w1th· cmt uneasiness. Thet·c are so many p:tths kading to and from t his sprin g, th at our guide took a wrongone for a m1le or two, and we had bad trave lling· acrosa till we g-ot into 1 he road again. At noon we halted. Came b sca rce ; and out· hnnters killed nothing ~incc yt.stenlay mo 1·nin~; tltough 4 of the best were constantly out, nnd eve t~y one of them furnished with a good horse. Vv,-hilc \fe remained here, . Capt.aio. Le\\h <tllcl the m en, who bad been left wnh lum, came up; but hctd not found the I ot·s~. At 2 o'clock we proceeded on <tg"tin ovct· a n1oun lain~ and in our w.;.y fouud a deer, which our lnmt(!l'S lwJ killed ami |