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Show .JOURNAL. CJ!.fP. I V. Satw·day 29tlr. We set sail early and hnd fmr '\'i'eathcr ; passed a handsome bottom covered with timber on the north side, and bluffs on the south. Vv c saw several Indians on the south side walking up the shore ; spoke to them and found they were some of those we left yesterday. There were one or two of the chiefs with them. They requested us to give them a carrot of tobacco for the chiefs of the other band to smoke. 'Ve sent them two carrots to a sand bar, whet·e they could get it ; but told them we should not go on shore ag·nin, untill we came to the nation of the A ricaris, commonly called Rickarees, Rickrees, or Rces. 'fhe Missouri is very shal· low at this time and full of sand bars. We passed an old village on the south side, where the H.ickarees lived five years ago, and raised corn in the bottom, around the village. \ Ve encamped on a sand bea~ h on the south side of the rivet'. . Sunday 30th. We set out early in a cloudy morn~ mg ; passed black buffs on the south side, and handsome bottom prairie on the notth; saw an Indixn on t~e shore, a~1d the chief we had on board spoke to lu.m. He said he wished to c01ne on uoard and go With us to the Rees ; but we did not take him. The wind was fair and we made 9 miles by 10 o'clock. We ~aw a great number of Indians coming down to the nver on the south side. \Ve stopt for -breakfast about 20~ yards ft·om the shore ; then pl'oceeded a· bout a mile ; neat' to the place where the Indians were enct:tmpecl on the south side ; we halted and spok~ to thetn and then went on under a fine breeze of w nd. A short titne before night, the waves rarq very JOURNAL. 11igh and th e boat. rocked a g...· reat deal, which so a- Jarn1ed our old c h1e f, that he would not go uny fnr-thel'. \V c encamped on the north sid:::. 1\fondatl J st Oct 180t!. \ V c enrl y continued our yoyagc, the morning W~\ s cloucly b·ut t he wind fair and we saikcll r ap1 c11y. At 9 we p assed the rin~ r De Chien, or Dos river ; a large river that comes in on the south sick. A short distance abo'v·e th is rin'r, the sancl b:trs are so nmnt: rous, th . t we had cr reat di fftcu1ty to get alonb ; and encamped on one i~ the mid ~l e of tlte river. Th~ re were some F rench t ra· d~rs on t he other bank of the ri ver, uncl one of the1n carne ovet' and r emained with us all ni(>·ht. r·• 1 'J ursGa'J 2nd. ' ' Tc set s~n• l bt:for::: d0 ay Hg-ht. A Tt·e nchman came on b~::1nl, who could speak Eno 1is:1. lie m entioned i t as his o~i1.1ion, that we should s~e no n wre Indians, until we should arri .-C! ~tt ti1c nation of Rces. \ Ve p assed a rar;g-c of black Lluffs on the n ot'lh side and a large bottom o:1 t1lt! south, vrhere there was som e timhei' O!l the bank of L e 1 i vc;·. About 2 o'clocl: we cl i scoH.r~d son.1e Indi ~m s on the hiils on the not·th side, and on'~ of them c -~~n~ clown to tl;~ bank and fired a o;nn; t:1e object 01 inte1 tion we wd not well undel'Stancl, l)',1t were r~ndr to meet <>.n attack . \V c p.'.sset1 b!.Kk b1ufh O;! the south ~ ide, an i shncl CO\'er...:cl ' \ i.th timh:..r, and a h~-mdsorn.c hotlom on lhe north ~,ide . \Y e lui ted <· nd spoke to the Indi,Ln , w ho Sclid he hdnlJgcd to the Jonkta ot• Ihbarolc hand, and t!Hlt ther~ wer...: ?.0 lod ~ .. ,_s of t 'n em. . \ \.,. c tole1 h•m v..-~ h;d se.;n two oft1 t> H:il' chic.:fs, and g1ven t~1cm a 11dg· ,,nd li1 -tc<l. \Vc pac:;'3cd a ~l'eek on the so:1th siJe, an l encdiTI}h!cl Oil a b:l:Hl bal' 111 t1 c middle oi t~1c tl v·t! r . ,r ,r -t d•: U'.s,· {u ~ .") rGf . '1' h ~ lTI"'rnw' p,- was C•l ouc,, y, ancl some r~ti t1 !' ..... i !. TLc i:. 1iJ is !.i."i' on both sid,...~ of the t·) r 'I'. 1\br1 tt 12 c>'cio~k t~• ~,wind bel!.·;m to !)10W so h lrd clbwn t~ie stre•1 m, t !t,lt we v:crc ~~~a!;ie to po cced, ::md we h ~ll~~d uno~' J' some hig·h Ll uE·!3, wher c- E |