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Show 38 JOURNAL. One of our hunters killed one, and Captain CLtr~e'~ black servant killtd two. We encamped at sunset on the south side. 11I()nday 10th. 'Ve had a fog~y morning, but movecl on early ; passed high bluffs on the north side, and saw some timber in the bottom on the south side. At 12 we came to black sulphur bluffs on the south side. On the top of these uluffs we found the skeleton or back bones of a fi5h, 45 feet long, and Jletrified: part of these bones were sent to the City of \Vashing·wn. One of out· . sergeants discovered a large salt spt·ing ~bout a 1nllc and an ln:lf frotn the ri\·er. A hunter went up the bank and lulled an elk. \Ye left a periogue fur the n1en who wtr<.: dressing the elk, and proceeded up. the north side of the river two miles, when we were obliged to return on account of sand bars, and to ta!~e the south side. Here \Ve saw tight elk swimming the river, and had seen a great many uuffaloe during the day. \Ve encamped on an island and killed one buffaloe. Tuesday l 1 til. vVe set sail before day light with a fait· wind ; passed an island covered with timber, and high hills and prairie on both sides of the ri \-·er. At 1 o'clock it Gegan to rain. vVe saw some person coming down the river on hor~eback, when we came to land and found it was the man who had preceded us with the horses. He had left one of the horses that had failed. vVe now had only one horse left. l~his man had been absent 16 days, and his bullets being expended, he subsisted 12 (htys almost wholly ou grapes. The hills hel'e come close to the river on both sides. One of the men went by land with tbe hot·se, and we continued ou1· voyc.g·e, until night, though it rained very hat d ; and encamped on the south side. Capt<lin Clcakc with two or three of the men who had gone out to· hunt, killed two elk, fout· deer and one porcupine. Jrednr3day 1 2tlt. vV c set out as usual und had a JOUHNAL. 39 cloudy day ; p.asse~l a long range of black blu P.'s on the suutll siue, and an i~land covered \rith timbl.!r, which is all the timber that can be seen from thi'l place. The country rotmd is all hills and pruit·ie. Captain Chtrke, myself <:tnd another went out to hunr, and cUd not re~urn till aftCi' dark. The bo~ll ha<l much clifllculty i11 passi11g· on account of the sand bar-> and strong- clllTent, and did not ma!\.e to day mg ,·~ than fonr miles. Tlmr.sr!a y 13th. Four beaver \'t ere taken last ni ~ht. \Ve set s::tii eal'lv ·, the morni:1o· was clo Hlr ·wit:, "' b <I some rain nnd \vincl aheacl; p~~sed a Ci'cek and c.1 lonrr range of bluf.'s on the south !:.ide. Scmc of our b • . I I. . 1nen went ont to hu·nt; ~ut d1.: not retu::-n.t ,l iS C\'C f11:1 g. \Ve encamped on the nonh side. .Frillay 1 <!t,~. \Ve proceeded as yesterday, :~nd with the smne kind of weather. Had considerable c1ifl1ctllty in getting along, on account of the shall?wness of the river; all h::mds in the water drar;png; the boat. At 8 we h:1ltctl for break Lst, and the men who went to hunt yesterday came in, and h :\cl only kill.ecl a porcupine. 'Three beaver were caught I H ~t night. The n1usketocs arc as troublesome as they h a-ve been any time in su mmet'. \Ve p assed black bluff.· on the sc-mth side, rtnd an island with timbet· on it. P~ssed a creek on the same side and encamped on it. The m r,n wLo ha'1 !!one b"' land with the <) J horse came to us here ; had killed a hare. C.tptain Clarke killed a go~1. t or antelope. Saturday 15th . A cloudy nwrning-. \Ve continued our voy:1ge e~rly, and pas<>ed a cr"'ek on the 5onth side and t)lack bluffs on the north. Passed \ V hite river on the south side ; one of the 1ncn and 1nyself ·went up it to ex:1mine the country, and encamped about tYich·e milts from the mouth, where it is 150 yards bro:..:d. \V e found good bottoms on this cl'eek ; but timber scarce, and nor.e upon the |