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Show No. 9. OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. June 7th, 1904. F. D u C a n e G o d m a n , Esq., D.C.L., F.R.S., Vice-President, in the Chair. ABSTRACT OF THE PROCEEDINGS The S e cr e t a r y read a report on the additions-276 in number -that had been made to the Society's Menagerie during May 1904, and called special attention to the following specimens, all new to the collection :-Three Andaman Banded Crakes (Rallina canningi), presented by the Government of India; a Yellowhanded Howler (Mycetes beelzebul), an Antilopine Kangaroo (Macropus antilopinus), and a Grey Solitaire (Myiadectes unicolor), deposited. The S e cr e t a r y also made some remarks on two fully-adult specimens of the Orang-Utan which he had recently seen in Paris. Dr. G u n th e r , F.R.S., Vice-Pres.Z.S., on behalf of the P residen t, exhibited a series of hybrid Pheasants killed at various times in the coverts at Woburn, where many distinct species had been turned out into the open. He stated that nothing of a definite nature was known as to their parentage, but proposed tentative determinations. Dr. F. D . D r ew it t , F.Z.S., exhibited and made remarks upon two fine antlers of the North-African Red Deer (Cervus elaphus barbarus) which he had brought from the high forest land extending far inland on the borders of Tunis and Algeria.- Dr. D r ew it t also exhibited a pair of horns of Loder's Gazelle (Gazella leptoceros) from South Algeria. A communication from Dr. G r a h am R enshaav, F.Z.S., contained notes, illustrated by photographs, on a pair of Shorthorned Buffaloes in the Antwerp Zoological Gardens. * Tbis Abstract is published by the Society at 3 Hanover Square, London, W . , on the Tuesday following the date of Meeting to which it refers. I t will be issued, free o f extra charge, to all Fellows who subscribe to the Publications, along with the ‘ Proceedings'; but it may be obtained on the day of publication at the price o f Sixpence, or, if desired, sent post-free for the sum of Six Shillings per annum, payable in advance. |