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Show 1904.] DR. A. G&NTHER ON HYBRID PHEASANTS. 129 June 7, 1904. F. Du C a n e G o d m a n , Esq., D.C.L., F.R.S., Vice-President, in the Chair. The Secretary read the following report on the additions that had been made to the Menagerie in May 1904 :- The number of registered additions to the Society's Menagerie during the month of May was 276. Of these 102 were acquired by presentation and 97 by purchase, 8 were born in the Gardens, 61 were received on deposit and 8 in exchange. The number of departures during the same period, by death and removals, was 132. Amongst the additions attention may be called to the following specimens, all new to the Collection :- 1. Three Andaman Banded Crakes (Rallina canningi), presented by the Government of India on May 2nd. 2. A Yellow-handed Howler (Mycetes beelzebul), received on deposit on May 13th. 3. An Antilopine Kangaroo (Mcicropus antilopinus), received on deposit on May 14th. 4. A Grev Solitaire (Myiadectes unicolor), received on deposit on May 30th. The Secretary reported that he had recently paid a visit to Paris to inspect two specimens of the Orang-utan (Simia satyrus) which had been offered for sale to the Society. He stated that they were very fine animals and fully adult, one of them standing over five feet in height and the other not much less, the former being the largest he had ever seen either living or stuffed. Although they were savage he was able to feed them from the hand with boiled rice, which constituted their chief food. Owing to his opinion that they were in indifferent health he did not purchase them*. Dr. Gunther, F.R.S., Vice-Pres.Z.S., on behalf of the President, exhibited a series of hybrid Pheasants killed at various times in the coverts at Woburn, where specimens of many distinct species had been turned out into the open. He stated that nothing of a definite nature was known as to their parentage, but proposed the following determinations tentatively :- 1. Reeves's Pheasant (Phasianus reevesi) x Common Pheasant. 2. Reeves's Pheasant x Elliot's Pheasant (Ph. ellioti). An old female assuming male plumage. * [I have been informed that both the Orangs died within a few days of my seeing them.- P. C. M.] P r o c . Z o o l . S o c .-1904, V o l . II. No. IX. 9 |