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Show 1 0 A communication from Dr. E. A. G o e ld i , C.M.Z.S., contained a description and an account of the habits of the rare Rodent Dinomys branickii Peters, living specimens of which had recently been received at the Goeldi Museum, Para. Dr. Goeldi was u n certain as to the exact habitat of this animal, but he was of opinion that it was in the almost unexplored regions of the eastern slopes and tablelands of Bolivia and Peru bordering on Brazil. A communication from Dr. C. S a t u n in , C.M.Z.S., contained an account of the Black Wild Cat of Transcaucasia, which he described as a new species. Mr. R. L y d e k k e r , F.Z.S., described the skull of a Buffalo from East Central Africa as the type of a new race, with the name Bos caffer matthewsi. This Buffalo appeared to connect the typical B. caffer with B. c. nanus, having horns approaching those of the latter, but its skin and hair black. A white tip to the tail seemed a special peculiarity. Mr. L y d e k k e r also described from Ichang a n ew species o f Tufted Deer (Elaphodus ichangensis) differing from E. michianus in its darker colour, whiter tail, smaller antlers, longer tusks, shorter nasals, and certain other features in the s k u II. Dr. A. S m ith W o o dw ard , F.R.S., read a paper on two new Labyrinthodont skulls acquired by the British Museum. They were the skull of a new species of Capitosaurus from the Trias of N. Staffordshire, which showed the occiput more clearly than any Labyrinthodont skull hitherto described, and demonstrated its Amphibian character; and the skull of a new genus allied to Trema-tosaurus, from the Trias of Spitzbergen, which was the first satisfactory Labyrinthodont fossil described from the Arctic Regions. This Meeting closes the Session 1903-04. The next Session (1904-05) begins in November. Communications intended for the Scientific Meetings of the Z oological S ociety o r L ondon should be addressed to P. CHALMERS MITCHELL, Secretary. 3 H anover S q u a r e , L ondon, W. 14th Juite, 1904. |