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Show LIST OF CONTENTS. May 3, 1904. Page Dr. Graham Renshaw, F.Z.S. Exhibition of a drawing of a The Secretary. Exhibition of a photograph, taken by Mr. Frank Haes, of a Quagga....................................................... Mr. F. E. Beddard, F.R.S. Exhibition of the brain of a Troupial (Quiscalus versicolor) infested by worms............ Mr. R. H. Burne, F.Z.S. Exhibition, on behalf of Prof. Stewart, of specimens of the female reproductive organs of certain Marsupials and photographs of a Leathery 1. On the Osteology and Systematic Position of the rare Malagasy Bat Myzopoda aurita. By O ld f ie ld T h om a s, 2. Contributions to the Anatomy of the Laeertilia.-(3) On some Points in the Vascular System of Chamceleon and other Lizards. B y F r a n k E. B ed d ah d , M.A., F.R.S., Prosector to the Society ....................................................... 3. Notes on the Gill-rakers of the Spoonbill Sturgeon, Poly-odon spathula. By A. D. I mms, B.Sc. (Lond.), Assistant Demonstrator in Zoology in the University of Birmingham. (Plate II.) ................................................................ young African Elephant 1 Turtle, 2 F.R.S., F.Z.S. (Plate I.) 2 |