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Show 216 MR. J. LEWIS BONHOTE ON THE [Nov. 15r The skull, except in size, does not differ from that of 0. cur-zonicn. Dimensions (after Buchner). |Head and body 235 mm.; hind foot 34 ; ear 21. Skull. Greatest length 41 mm.; basal length 36 ; palatal length 16; zygomatic breadth 21*5 ; length of nasals 13 ; length of molar series 9 ; interorbital breadth 4. Habitat. Kuku-noor and Gannsu, N. Thibet. OCHOTONA DAURICA (Pall.). Lepus dauricus Pall. Reise, iii. 1776, p. 692. Lagomys dauricus (Pall.), Biichn. Mamm. Przewalski, i. p. 1 72, pi. xxii. fig. 1 & pi. xxv. figs. 1-5 (1890). The general colour of this species is a very pale buff, lighter on the flanks and rather yellower along the centre of the back and over the forehead. Each hair is dark slate-grey at the base, succeeded by a whitish portion, increasing in colour towards the tip, which is sometimes dark brown. Ears well covered with whitish hairs ; feet white. Under parts pure white, having occasionally a yellowish collar round the neck. The skulls at my disposal are too fragmentary for a detailed description. Buchner, however, gives a good figure, from which it appears to differ but little from the nearly allied species. Its most marked features are the bullse, which are large, prominent, and rounded. Dimensions (after Buchner). Head and body 220 mm.; hind foot 14'5 ; ear 19. Skull. Palatal length 18 mm.; length of nasals 14*5 ; length of molar series 8*5. Habitat. Originally described from Dauria. Much confusion seems to exist over this species, which closely resembles at least three others, viz. 0. curzoniamelanostoma, and ogotona. The black muzzle of 0. melanostoma serves at once as a distinguishing character, while from 0. curzonia} the paler colour of the present species as well as the longer and softer coat form characters by which it may always be distinguished. From 0. ogotona, to which it bears a greater external resemblance, and with which it has been confounded by Buchner, it may be distinguished by its much smaller size, while the skull-characters are very distinct. OCHOTONA MACROTIS (Giintll.). Lagomys macrotis Gunth. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 4, xvi. p. 231 (Sept. 1875); Blanford, Yark. Mamm. p. 75 (1879); Scully, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 5, vol. viii. p. 100 (1891); id. P. Z. S. 1881, p. 207 ; W. L. Scl. Cat. Mamm. Ind. Mus. p. 110 (1891); Blanford, Faun. Br. India, Mamm. p. 457 (1891). Lagomys auritus Blanford, J. A. S. B. vol. xliv. p. 111 (Oct |