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Show 1 9 0 4 . ] BUTTERFLIES FROM THE N.E. HIMALAYAS. 1 3 9 three subbasal black spots ringed with white, the centre spot inside the cell. This species is nearly allied to Z. marginata from China, but differs in the discal row of fuscous spots of the fore wing being fainter and more regular on the under side, and the black border of the upper side being more even in its inner edge and bending inwards on the costa. 7. L yctena (N ip h a n d a ) m a r c ia . (Plate IX. fig. 7.) Lyccena (iViphanda) marcia Fawcett, Abstr. P.Z.S. 1904, No. 9, p. 9, June 14. Expanse 1 in. 2 lin. Habitat. Tounghoo, Burma, June. D e script ion.- Male. Upper side shining violet, with the spots of the underside showing up indistinctly. Fore wing with a narrow fuscous band on the costa and outer margin; hind wing : costa, apex, and abdominal margin broadly fuscous, and a row of fuscous lunules on the outer margin; cilia white between the ends of the nervules. Under side pale violaceous grey, with the following brown marks ringed with whi tefore wing with a short basal streak below the costal nervure; two spots, one above the other, and the lower one the larger, in centre of cell, and below the lower spot a large triangular space between the first median nervule and the submedian nervure ; a spot defining the end of the cell; a discal fascia of seven spots, interrupted in the middle, and with the outer edge of the upper four spots defined outwardly by fuscous; a pale and indistinct submarginal and marginal lunular fascia, the lunules of which are largest and most defined between the median nervules. Hind wing with a blackish-brown spot at base of cell, two black spots below costal margin, and a similar spot below the outer one ; an irregular row of pale discal spots, and a marginal row of white lunules, the first three and the sixth from the anal angle with black centres. This species is probably a local race of L. (Niphanda) tessellata Moore, from Penang, but differs from it in its much less heavy markings on the under side. There is also a specimen (at present unnamed) in the British Museum which agrees with the specimen here described. Family T ie r in g . 8. C q lias b e r y l l a . (Plate IX. fig. 8.) Colias berylla Fawcett, Abstr. P. Z. S. 1904, No. 9, p. 9, June 14. Expanse 2 in. 9 lin. Habitat. Khamba Jong, Thibet, 15,000 ft. elevation. D e sc r ip t io n .-Female. Upper side : fore wing pale lemon-yellow, base and costal margin broadly irrorated with black atoms; a diamond-shaped black spot at apex of cell; hind or |