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Show 138 LT.-COL. J. MALCOLM FAWCETT ON [June 7, figured) ; a thin black streak at apex of cell, in a large cuneiform white spot, and opposite this spot another large cuneiform white spot, with its base on the centre of the line of orange submarginal lunules. This species differs from L. ciriana Moore from the N.W. Himalayas in being smaller, and in the discal row of black spots on the under side being minute, fewer in number, and obsolete, in some specimens, in the hind wing ; and in the discal white spots at the apex of cell of hind wing being larger. 5. L yccena pheretes Hiibner, var. p h a r is . (Plate IX. figs. 5 J , 5 a $ .) Lyccena pheretes Hiibner, var. pharis Fawcett, Abstr. P. Z. S. 1904, No. 9, p. 8, June 14. Expanse 1 in. Habitat. Khamba Jong, Thibet, 15,000 ft. elevation, July. D escript ion .- Male. Upper side dark purple-blue ; fore wing with a black marginal line ; margin of hind wing more broadly black, especially at apex and costa ; cilia broadly white. Under side : fore wing purple-grey, paling towards apex ; a black spot ringed with white at apex of cell; a discal series of small black spots ringed with white, varying in number ; in some specimens only three, usually four. Hind wing pale brownish on the disk, fading into pale greenish-ochreous at the margin, with the following pale ochreous spots : one in and extending beyond discoidal cell, cuneiform; a discal series of six beyond it, and an indistinct one basally below the costa. Female. Upper side dark fuscous, basally irrorated with blue ; under side as in male. This form differs from the var. asiatica of Elwes in having fewer discal black spots on fore wing, and in the size and length of the pale cellular spot on hind wing. 6. L y o e n a ( Z iz e r a ) z e r a . (Plate IX. fig. 6.) Lyccena (Zizera) zera Fawcett, Abstr. P. Z. S. 1904, No. 9, p. 9, June 14. Expanse 1 in. 11 lin. Habitat. Tounghoo, Burma, June. D e scr ip t io n .-Male. Upper side shining violet; fore wing with a pale spot at the apex of the discoidal cell; a broad fuscous marginal band extending slightly up the nervules, but the inner border regular and bending inwards on the costa. Hind wing with the marginal fuscous band broad at the apex, narrowing to a black marginal line, inside which are placed five fuscous lunules ; cilia broadly white. Under side pale grey : fore wing with a fuscous streak, ringed with white, defining apex of cell ; a discal row of six fuscous spots ringed with white; a row of marginal spots faintly defined inwardly by fuscous lunules. Hind wing : discal row and a marginal series of fuscous spots as in fore wing |