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Show 1904.] BUTTERFLIES FROM THE N.E. HIMALAYAS. 137 spot defining the apex of the cell and a linear one near the inner margin; the space between the two transverse discal rows of black spots (of the upper side) occupied by a series of linear silver streaks between the nervules ; a submarginal series of triangular silver spots, much produced inwardly, and between these two series of silvei spots and streaks a faint indication of a submarginal line of yellow spots ; no marginal lines. This species is nearly allied to A. clara Blanchard, but differs from it in its rounder wings, smaller size, and paler colour. On upper side, outer margins of both wings broadly fuscous, containing a submarginal series of pale spots, without the submarginal and marginal fine black lines beyond them as in A . clara ; the inner transverse series of discal spots angled outwardly above 3rd median nervule on both wings, and the outer discal series of b*ack spots is reduced, on the hind wing, to 4 and sometimes 3 spots, the spot on the lower discoidal interspace being always absent. Under side : the fulvous colour of fore wing is paler and redder, and the green colour of apex of fore wing and hind wing is duller and darker ; bronzy suffusion less, and extends to the margin without the marginal fulvous border of A. clara. The only variation from the above description in five specimens from Khamba Jong is that one specimen is more melanic, while another has a paler ground-colour. The A . clara, var. clarina of Staudinger (Oat. Lep. Pal. p. 38) cannot be referred to this species, as he says nothing about his species being smaller than A . clara, and describes it as having the black spots smaller, whereas this species is more melanic than A. clara. Family L yc ^enllle. 4. L yc^e n a a r ia n a Moore, var. a r e n e . (Plate IX. fig. 4.) Lycaina ariana Moore, var. arene Fawcett, Abstr. P. Z. S. 1904, No. 9, p. 8, June 14. Expanse 1 in. 3 lin. Habitat. Khamba Jong, Thibet, 15,000 ft. elevation, July. D e sc r ip t io n .-Male. Upper side : both wings bright cyaneous blue, margins narrowly black, extending slightly up the nervules; cilia broadly white. Under side : both wings purple-grey ; hind wing suffused with metallic greenish grey at base and on inner margin. Fore wing : apex of cell defined by a narrow black streak outwardly surrounded by white ; a discal series of five minute black spots ringed with white, the subcostal spot evanescent; a marginal series of white spots with minute black centres, defined inwardly by obsolescent traces of orange lunules. Hind wing with the marginal white spots larger, and the orange lunules defining them inwardly more distinct, that at anal angle geminate ; a subcostal black spot, and a discal series of minute black spots ringed with white, varying in number from two to three, and entirely obsolete in some specimens (this is the form |