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Show In the second part of the paper Dr. Ridewood discussed the relation of endosteal to ectosteal ossification, the eye-muscle canal, the various fossae, fenestrae, and the larger foramina of the cranium, the bullae enclosing vesicles of the swim-bladder, the union of a vertebral centrum with the back of the basicranial axis, the brush-like tendon-bones at the back of the skull (the opisthotic limb of the post-temporal was shown to belong to this series), the supratemporal and subtemporal bones, the sesamoid articular (so-called " coronoid "), the modes of articulation of the palatine and the hyomandibular bones with the cranium, the opercular bones, the hyobranchial skeleton, and the " spicular bone " (which Dr. Ridewood showed to be an ossified ligament, and not the first pharyngobrancliial as had been previously supposed). The next Meeting of the Society for Scientific Business will be held on Tuesday, the 17th May, 1904, at half-past Eight o'clock p.m ., when the following communications will be made :- 1. Sir C h ar le s E lio t , K.C.M.G.-On some Nudibranchs from East Africa and Zanzibar.- Part V. 2. Mr. G. A. B o u len g er , F.R.S.-Description of a new Tree- Frog of the Genus Hyla, from British Guiana, carrying Eggs on the Back. 3 . Mr. F. E. B e d d a r d , F.R.S.-Notes upon the Anatomy of certain Boidce. The following Papers have been received :- 1. Dr. G. S tew ard so n B r a d y , F.R.S., C.M.Z.S.-On Entomostraca collected in Natal by Mr. James Gibson. 2. Lt.-Col. J. M alcolm F aw c e t t .-On some new or little-known Butterflies, mainly from high elevations in the N.E. Himalayas. 3 . Dr. P. C h a lm e r s M it c h e l l .-On the Disposition and Morphology of the Intestinal Coils in Mammals. Communications intended for the Scientific Meetings of the Z o ological S o c ie t y of L ondon should be addressed to P. CHALMERS MITCHELL, Secretary. 3 H a n o v e r S q u a r e , L o n d o n , W. 10th May, 1904. |