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Show 1904.] ANTHROPOID APES. 429 parted in centre ; hair very sparse all over body ; arms very long ; beard almost absent. Since writing the paper (Sitzungsb. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berl. 1904, pp. 55-59) Professor Matschie has examined over one hundred Chimpanzees, including the types of Troy, aubryi, Tr. niger, Tr. calvus, Tr. koolookamba, Tr. tschego, Tr. troglodytes, Tr. fuliginosus, Tr. marungensis, and Tr. leucoprymnus, besides many skulls, and in consequence has found much in the above-quoted article which requires altering. With such of those alterations as he has communicated to me 1 quite agree. The conclusions both he and I have come to make it clear that there are at least four distinct species of Chimpanzee (Simia) all living side by side throughout the greater part of their range, while I, personally, maintain there are five such species. The five species, according to the geographical and physical position of various portions of their range, again fall into a number of well-developed subspecies = geographical races; and we find that at present we have twelve named races belonging to five species; while Professor Matschie, in a forthcoming paper, proposes to describe, besides others, two new forms from Liberia, two from Central Congo, and three from the Uelle region. At present I only propose to deal with the twelve named forms of which the following are the Key and Synopsis, which latter, I hope, will be understood by aid of the former ; but the notes following them will no doubt clear up much. K ey. j j Face of adult black or blackish brown........................... 2 \ Face of adult pale........................................................... 3 ^ Hair long, harsh and black; arcus superciliaris strongly developed............................... Simia satyrus marungensis. Hair long and soft, generally yellowish grey in very old animals. Last lower molar very small ; facial poi'tion of skull very short; canines very large. Simia vellerosus. Hair long and soft, sooty-brown to black. Simia vellerosus fidiginosus. Hair and beard very long, limbs long; head narrow 9 and very high, face olive-brown. ^ Simia satyrus schweinfurthii. Hair black, short, and harsh ; head round, ears enormous. Simia koolookamba. Hair short, harsh ; head long ; arcus superciliaris strongly developed. Last lower molar showing four very ill-defined tubercles, facial portion of skull long, canines small ................................... Simia satyrus. Hair black and short, ears very small; face very prognathous ; last lower molar with five large tuber- ^ cles as in Gorilla ; eyes very wide apart ... Simia aubryi. |