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Show 1 9 0 4 .] OSTEOLOGY OP CLUPEOID FISHES. 481 strongly marked backward slope ; the opercular and subopercular bones are of average size, and take no share in that enlargement which is so marked in the bones of the mouth. There are eleven branchiostegal rays on each side. The first is attached at the front of the ceratohyal, the ninth at the junction of the ceratohyal and epihyal, and the remaining two on the epihyal. They are all curved rods except the last two, which are somewhat lamellate. Text-fig. 138. --rripl --- enp pi ecp ^ Coilia nasus, hyopalatine arch ancl mandible of left side, mesial aspect: Jim', head of hyomandibular articulating with the cranium. For explanation of other lettering see p. 493. Text-fig. 139. 4 Coilia nasus, hyobranchial skeleton, dorsal view. The epibranchials and pharyngobranchials of the right side are not shown. For explanation of lettering see p. 493. Hyobranchial Series (text-fig. 139).-The interhyal is a long, rod-like bone. There are two hypohyals, the upper one small and situated antero-superiorly to the lower, which alone is in P roc. Z ool, S oc,-1904, V o l . II. No. XXXI. 31 |