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Show 434 THE HON. WALTER ROTHSCHILD ON [Dec. 13, or according to my view 7 distinct subspecies, each being dimorphic. His 3 additional subspecies are Bornean, and will be described in his forthcoming paper. As I cannot find in previous writings on the Orangs any descriptions which can be employed to denote other forms than the 4 dimorphic subspecies recognised by Dr. Selenka, I shall only deal with them, and leave Professor Matschie to work out any forms, in addition to these 4, which may exist in collections. Text-fig. 115. Head of Simia kuolookamba (Du Chaillu). (Very young animal.) (From life.) Dr. Selenka, in the Sitzungsber. Akad. Wissensch. Berlin, xvi. pp. 381-392, gives distinctive characters of his 8 races as follows:- B o r n e o . A. S d with Cheek-callosities. 1. Pithecus satyrus landa/ckensis.-Hair deep reddish brown rarely brownish yellow. Skull mikrencephalic and micro-gnathous; cubic capacity, 6 420-450 cb. cm. 2 9 W )- 390 cb. cm. 4th molar rarely present. |