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Show 1904.] ENTOMOSTRACA FROM NATAL. 125 C y p r ia ca sta n e a , n. sp. (Plate YII. figs. 40-42; Plate VIII. fig. 43.) ? Cypria lacustris Lilljeborg. . Shell, seen from the side, subovate (almost semicircular), highest ian111 height equal to nearly two-thirds of the length \ S' ) y extremities broadly rounded, the anterior bordered by a nai row translucent fillet, dorsal margin boldly and evenly arched, ventral nearly straight: seen from above (fig. 41) the outline is navi owly ovate, widest behind the middle, width equal to more than one-third of the length, tapered to an acute point in front, rounded behind. ^ Surface perfectly smooth and polished; colour reddish-brown, without any trace of hairs or sculpture. Length 0-65 mm. Limbs closely resembling those of C. ophthalmica, but much more slender, both as regards bulk and armature (figs. 42, 43.) v & This seems^ to me to approach most nearly to C. lacustris Lilljeborg, if indeed that be truly a distinct species, and there is not much to separate it from the common Northern species C. ophthalmica, except the absence of shell-markings and the much more slender build of the limbs, of the post-abdominal claws, and of the antennal setae. The specific name now proposed must, however, be looked upon as merely provisional. C y p r is in e r m is , n. sp. (Plate VIII. figs. 44-49.) Shell, seen from the side, oblong-ovate (fig. 44), rather higher in front than behind, height equal to less than one-half the length, dorsal margin gently arched, ventral slightly sinuated ; anterior extremity evenly rounded, posterior very much narrower and rounded ; extremities and ventral margin fringed with fine hairs : seen from above (fig. 45) the outline is ovate, greatest width about equal to the height and situated near the middle, lateral margins evenly arcuate, extremities evenly rounded, the anterior rather the broader of the two. In young specimens the postero-inferior angle of the right valve bears two sharp teeth (fig. 46). Colour of the shell greyish white. Length 0'95 mm. The antenna (fig. 47) bears a brush of four setae which reach as far as the extremities of the very slender terminal claws. Apex of the second foot bearing a single slender curved claw (fig. 48) and a long seta. Post-abdominal rami (fig. 49) long and slender, finely ciliated on the hinder margin; all the setae slender and crowded together apically, of these two are stouter than the rest and marginally pectinated. This species occurred abundantly in one of Mr. Gibson's gatherings, less plentifully in another. C yp r is a r a t r a , n. sp. (Plate VII. figs. 34-38.) Shell, seen from the side (fig. 34), subovate, highest in the middle, height equal to more than half the length; anterior extremity broadly and rather obliquely rounded, posterior much narrower |